Elementary science children's books are located in two main sections. To see more detailed information on either the fiction or non-fiction section, select a link below to be auto-scrolled to that section of this page.
The TMC Easy section is for fiction picture books generally fewer than 32 pages that may exhibit scientific topics or principles. These books are organized by author's last name. When looking for books for elementary science in this section they are not all located next to each other on the shelf, so it is easiest to search for them online.
To search for TMC Easy Books:
You will want to take note of the call numbers for each book you find and use that to locate each book on the shelf.
The TMC Dewey section is organized by subject using the Dewey Decimal System. For science non-fiction materials in the Teaching Materials Center, most will be in TMC 500-599 which is dedicated to natural sciences and mathematics.
Call Number Locations | Subject |
TMC 500-509 | Natural sciences |
TMC 520-529 | Astronomy & allied sciences |
TMC 530-539 | Physics |
TMC 540-549 | Chemistry & allied sciences |
TMC 550-559 | Earth sciences |
TMC 560-569 | Paleontology & Paleozoology |
TMC 570-579 | Life sciences |
TMC 580-589 | Botanical sciences |
TMC 590-599 | Zoological sciences |
Other areas of Dewey such as biographies (TMC 921) and applied sciences (TMC 600s) may be of interest.
There are two recommended elementary non-fiction science series that cover many different topics. These are:
You can search for books by topic, evaluate books, and find related reading in the database, NoveList Plus.
NoveList Plus is a database of literature that provides synopses and reviews of books, teaching ideas, and a Lexile Ranking (independent readability).
Watch the NoveList Plus Overview video to learn about how to find NoveList on the Milner website and an overview of the main features on NoveList.
You can also open the NoveList Plus database directly using the link below.
Watch the Basic Search for a Title Video to learn about how to search for a book by title on NoveList Plus.
Watch the Determining Readability of a Text/Lexile Levels Video to learn about where to find a book's lexile number on NoveList Plus and how to convert that to an approximate grade level.
Watch the Advanced Searching Video in NoveList to get an overview of search limits (date, audience, grade, awards, etc.), how to narrow results, and find related lists and articles.
While Milner Library's Teaching Materials Center has wonderful options for science children's books, you may want to also consult three other places: