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ART 394 - Bachelor of Fine Arts Seminar

Research resources for Prof. Smelser's ART 394 course, Fall 2023

Getting Started With Researching Arts Funding and Professional Opportunities

  • Reflect on your career goals. Where do you see yourself living after college? What are your immediate and long term goals? What resources or supports will you need.
  • Consider the types of sources or data you need to find. For example, for MFA program research, you might look at sources of comparative data among different colleges, college accreditation websites, websites of specific colleges, and news articles about colleges of interest.
  • Narrow by location. Look for regional, state, and local agencies and organizations where art opportunities are likely to be shared.
  • Your networks are a valuable source. Can you consult with others in your class, and in the WKSOA? Have you used the resources in ISU's Career Center? Could you ask one of the upcoming visiting artists for advice? Do you know of online social networks where artists and students discuss these needs?
  • This guide is just a starting point! Consult with your librarian or professor for additional advice.

Fine Arts Librarian

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Heather Koopmans
She / Her
619A Milner Library
(309) 438-3950