This guide is starting point for all students majoring in or taking classes within the department of Technology. This guide will help you with all aspects of your projects and research.
Provides study materials for over 1800 standardized academic (K-12, college, & graduate) and professional certification exams and tests.
The eLibrary includes practice exams and tests for teacher certification (including the ILTS - Illinois Licensure Testing Service), college admission (ACT), construction (e.g. Six Sigma certification), counseling, English language, finance, graduate/professional school admissions (GRE, LSAT, MCAT), insurance, K-12 state standards, law/legal, nursing, nutrition, medical, personal fitness, public service, real estate, and social work.
Certification Resources
There are thousands of certification programs in fields that pertain to industrial technology. If you do not see one on this list that meets your needs, don't hesitate to let me know and I will find a relevant resource that meets your needs.