The databases listed below are good places to begin your research.
To search multiple databases at the same time, use the “Articles" tab on the Milner Library website.
Social Services Abstracts
Covers over 1600 publications in social work, human services, and related areas, including social welfare, social policy,
and community development.
Social Work Abstracts
The major index for social work journals.
Covers the social work profession, theory and practice, services for special populations, and social issues and problems.
APA PsycInfo
Covers journal articles, book reviews, dissertations in psychology and related fields.
Military and Government Collection
Includes articles from scholarly journals, magazines and reports on all branches of the military and government.
Family Studies Abstracts
Covers journal articles in all areas of the family including marriage, divorce, family therapy, child welfare,
aging, and domestic violence.
CINAHL Complete --- [Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature].
Health Source - Nursing/Academic Edition
Covers sociology and related areas including social work, marriage & family abortion, substance abuse
& other addictions, violence, ethnic & racial studies, and gender studies.
Academic Search Complete.
A scholarly, multi-disciplinary full-text database indexing over 11,000 journals with full text for 7,100 journals. Depending upon your topic, other databases may be useful including: