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CJS 103 - Eco-Justice

Using Milner Databases to Find News

If you can't find something in any of the publications on the previous tab, or you can't get full text access to an article you want, searching through one of Milner's news databases might help. Use the walkthroughs below to find what you need. If you have questions, feel free to reach out to me!

News Databases

Using Milner Databases to Find News

The Following steps are meant to walk you through using Nexis Uni to find news. The other recommended database, Newspaper Source, functions similarly to other academic databases. If you need help using either database, please let me know.


Step 1:

Open the Nexis Uni database. You can find a link to Nexis Uni on the left side of this page. When the homepage opens, click the Advanced Search button directly underneath the main search box.

Nexis Homepage

Step 2:

On the Advanced Search page, select the News tab. Paste the article title into the search box, making sure to include quotation marks to ensure Nexis Uni is searching for the entire title. Click the All Field dropdown menu for the search box and select Title.


Nexis Advanced Search



Step 3:

Scroll down to the bottom of the Advanced Search page and enter the publication name into the Source box. This will show you the list of available publications from Nexis Uni. Select the correct title. Click the Search button. 


Selecting an individual source

From the results page, select the article you're looking for to get the full text. If you do not see the article you want, try generalizing your search (eliminating the specific source, searching with "all fields" instead of "title," etc.). If you need more help, feel free to reach out to me.

The Following steps are meant to walk you through using Nexis Uni to find news. The other recommended database, Newspaper Source, functions similarly to other academic databases. If you need help using either database, please let me know.


Step 1:

Start at the Nexis Uni homepage. To search just for news click the Advanced Search button found just under the main search box.


Nexis Uni Homepage


Step 2:

On the Advanced Search page, select the News tab. Enter content keywords (phrases that relate to your search topic), into the search box. You can also specify a publication date range on this page. Make sure you are searching for articles that are current enough for the assignment.


Advanced Search page


Step 3:

You can also specify a particular publication on the Advanced Search page. You can add as many publication titles as you want for each search. It might make sense to select several versions of a particular title (if available). After you've added all the necessary search criteria, click search.


Adding a Specific Source


Step 4:

You will now see the list of search results. Every listed title will include the full text. Each entry will also show you which publication it came from, the publication date, and will highlight selections of the article that includes your search terms. On the left side of the results page you will see the database limiters. These filters will help you reduce the number of results if needed. Limitation examples are: geography, publication name (sources), language, and subject.


Nexis Uni Results Page


Nexis Uni Filter Options


Nexis Uni is one of two databases that you can use to find articles. Newspaper Source is another option, and the functionality is very similar to using other research databases to find academic content. If you have questions about how to use Newspaper Source, please reach out to me.

Data & Social Sciences Librarian

Profile Photo
Chad Kahl
he / him / his
Office: Milner 416
(309) 438-3454