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COM 110 - Communication as Critical Inquiry

This guide, developed specifically for students enrolled in COM 110 and COM 110.01, provides strategies and content for finding resources, introducing types of information, evaluating sources, and citing in APA.

About the iTour / How it works

The iTour is a self-guided tour of the Library using QR Codes scanned with a smart device to display videos that inform the viewer about the location where they are standing. It can help you:

  • Become more comfortable / confident coming to the library
  • Identify where to ask for help
  • Learn how the library supports you in all aspects of your life

How the iTour Works

You can take the iTour any time the library is open.

What you need:

  • A smart device with a camera
    If you device's camera automatically scans QR codes, you don’t need to do anything special.
    If you device's camera doesn’t do this, you can download a free QR Code Reader app. We recommend these apps.
  • Connect your device to the campus wireless network (isunet: directions to connect)
    This ensures you won't use up your plan’s data limit.
  • Answer the Completion Questions once you are done with the iTour and email their answer to themselves
    You will get directions to questions to verify you completed the iTour. Once you answered the questions, you will be prompted to email the results to yourself.
  • Provide your answers to your instructor in a format they've determine
    Once you have the email of your questions, provide them to your instructor in the format make they have selected. If you don't know what format to use, check with your instructor.

What Other Students are Saying about the iTour

  • Something that I liked immediately about the tour was how it was set up. It was interactive and allowed me to physically see where everything is located.
  • Overall, the tour was very advanced which made it interesting. I like the short, but informative videos, because they weren't boring at all.
  • I appreciated that you had to walk to each floor to scan the QR codes because it helped me visualize where to find everything and how the library is laid out.
  • The part that I found the most useful was when we went up each floor and found out what subjects were on each level. It made it so much easier for when I went back to start my research that I knew where everything was.
  • I liked how all the information was concise and easy to understand. I think as an incoming freshmen this tour was really helpful in the sense that I, personally, feel awkward asking for help to find things, so this tour was fantastic.
  • Overall, I thought the iTour was extremely helpful! I actually had another assignment for a different class that required a trip to the library, and I was much more confident in navigating this time.
  • The information helps me immensely, because since I am a freshman I did not know how useful the library is.
  • Personally I think the iTour was very helpful especially because I'm a freshman and everything here is new to me.