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Digital Scholarship

Resources and tools to support digital scholarship/digital humanities projects.

Spring 2025 Digital Scholarship Events

15 January, 3pm DSL (Milner 165)

with Bradford Brown, Bradley University

16 January, 11am DSL (Milner 165) Basic Photo Processing in Adobe Lightroom
23 January, 10am DSL (Milner 165) Introduction to LaTeX
28 January, 5pm Milner 6th Floor NW Digital Scholarship Speaker Series
Kate Herald Browne
Corpus Linguistics and the Creation of "Obesity" as a diagnosis
31 January, 11am DSL (Milner 165) Introduction to Photo Editing in Adobe Photoshop
4 February, 2pm DSL (Milner 165 Why Wikidata: Introduction and Edit-a-Thon
5 February, 3pm DSL (Milner 165) Tea&DH
with Connor Monson, History, ISU
7 February, 2pm DSL (Milner 165) A Gentle Introduction to VR & AR
10 February, 10am DSL (Milner 165) [Love Data Week] 
Garbage In, Garbage Out:
Why we Clean Our Data
11 February, 10am DSL (Milner 165) [Love Data Week] 
Intro to Data Cleaning in R
12 February, 10am DSL (Milner 165) [Love Data Week] 
Accessing and Depositing Datasets:
Introduction to the Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR)
13 February, 10am DSL (Milner 165) [Love Data Week] 
Sage Campus Loves Data: Faculty Session 1
13 February, 11:30am DSL (Milner 165) [Love Data Week] 
Sage Campus Loves Data: Student Session
13 February, 1pm DSL (Milner 165) [Love Data Week] 
Sage Campus Loves Data: Faculty Session 2
14 February, 10am DSL (Milner 165)

[Love Data Week] 
Introduction to Data Visualization in R

21 February, 2pm DSL (Milner 165) Introduction to 3D Printing
25 February, 5pm Milner 6th Floor NW

Digital Scholarship Speaker Series
Tim Horsley
Geophysical Methods in the Evolving Landscape of North American Archaeology

27 February, 3pm DSL (Milner 165) Creating a Logo in Adobe Illustrator
19 March, 3pm DSL (Milner 165) Tea&DH
with Richard Young, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
20 March, 2pm DSL (Milner 165)

Oxygen XML Editor

21 March, 2pm DSL (Milner 165) Digital Collections and Exhibits
24 March, 2pm DSL (Milner 165)

Author Talk:
Digital Storytelling
with Kelly Schrum

24 March, 5pm Milner 6th Floor NW Digital Scholarship Speaker Series
Kelly Schrum
Expanding Scholarly Communication through Digital Storytelling
31 March, 2pm DSL (Milner 165) Author Talk
Data Cartels
with Sarah Lamdan
31 March, 5pm Milner 6th Floor NW Digital Scholarship Speaker Series
Sarah Lamdan
Data Cartels: the Intersection of Academic Publishing and Data Privacy
4 April, 10am DSL (Milner 165) Transcription Hackathon
10–4, orientation sessions at 10am & 1pm
10 April, 2pm DSL (Milner 165) Introduction to Metadata for Digitization Projects
17 April, 9am Bone Student Center Digital Scholarship Speaker Series
& the AI in the Humanities Symposium present
Emilie Brancato & Team
PLaiSHOP: Exploring GAI and Critical AI Literacy Through Play