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KNR 170 - Introduction to Leisure and Recreation

Resources to help you conduct research for KNR 170

Using APA

Some Basic Examples of APA Citations

Bashir, Z. (2011). Partnering with schools to prevent childhood obesity.

      Parks & Recreation, 46(2), 45-46.

Centers for Disease Control. (2011, September 15). Childhood obesity facts. Retrieved


Colson, J. M. (Ed.) (2012). Taking sides: Clashing views on controversial issues in food

      and nutrition, (2nd ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.

Gilsdorf, E. (2011). Home of brave. National Parks, 85(3), 1-4.

Mohney, M. (2011). And don't come home until dinner. Illinois Parks & Recreation, 42(1),

       12-15. Retrieved from

National Endowment for the Arts. (2016). Attendance at/participation in various leisure activities including reading by selected

       characteristics: 2012. Retrieved from ProQuest Statistical Abstract of the U.S. 2016 Online Edition database

Wilder, A., Craig, P. J., Sable, J. R., Gravink, J., Carr, C., & Frye, J. (2011). The PATH-way

      home: Promoting access, transition, and health for veterans with disabilities. Therapeutic Recreation Journal, 45, 268-285.

Wildstrom, S.H. (1999, April 5). A big boost for net privacy. Business Week, p. 23.

      Retrieved from Nexis Uni database


APA Manual 6th edition