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MKT 335 - Retailing Management and Promotion

What's on this page

This page is designed to help guide you through the research necessary for your APM project. 

Types of Information: Primary vs Secondary research, examples, and definitions.

Potential Sources: List of public and subscribed sources to investigate for your project. 

Topic Review

In class, we talked about three items. 

1. Translating the client's request into actionable research questions. 

We used concept mapping and the "Articulating Research Questions" worksheet. 

Ideas to concept map:

  • Target market segmentation
  • Definition of environmentally friendly and/or animal welfare and/or health benefits
  • Brand identity, association, and perception
  • Brand rankings or certifications
  • Products used in merchandise categories
  • Channel of purchase for products (online vs pickup vs in-store)

2. Defining types of information and where to find that information. 

Some things to consider and remember:

  • Primary vs Secondary research.
  • Raw data vs reported statistics. 
  • Publicly available vs Subscribed Sources. 

3. Navigating sources of information (i.e., Milner's databases and various public sources). 

Each database and source of information will have its own way of searching, filtering, and returning information. Try a few different ways, look for help videos, and ask me if needed. It's why I'm here. 

Copies of Class Worksheets