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IDS 121a03 s1, s2 - Texts and Contexts: Music (Miller, Alcorn)

This guide contains resources to help you with your Medieval and Renaissance music research projects for IDS121a03.

What is a collected volume?

A collected volume is a book that provides a collection of chapters or essays by different authors about a particular topic. Each chapter has a different author or multiple different authors, and the book also usually has one or more editors.

How do I find collected volumes?

You can search for collected volumes using the Milner Library catalog, very similarly to how you would search for a monograph book. In addition to entering the topic you are looking for in one search box on the advanced search page, enter editor in another search box to help narrow your results to books with editors, which are much more likely to be collected volumes.

Screenshot of a keyword search for William Byrd AND composer AND editor

To find out if a book is a collected volume:

  • On the search results page, choose the title of the book on the results list.
  • On the book page, scroll down to the Details section and check for:
    • Multiple editors/authors.
    • A table of contents listing chapters with different authors.

Screenshot showing Details section on page for book that is a collected volume

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Christine Fary
Phone: 309-438-5010
Office: Milner Room 426A
In person and Zoom consultations by appointment: use the Schedule Appointment button.
Subjects: Agriculture, Music