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Illinois Legal Resources

Guide to legal resources from the State of Illinois.

Legal encyclopedia, Treatises, Legal forms, Practice books, etc.

Illinois Law and Practice (Ill. Law & Prac. or I.L.P.)

Illinois Civil Practice Forms
online at Westlaw

  • Volume 1 -- Sections 1.1-17.114: General Practice Forms
  • Volume 1A -- Sections 18.1-36.22:  General Practice Forms to Pleadings Generally
  • Volume 1B -- Sections 37:1-53.53:  Abstracts of Title to Attachment
  • Volume 2 -- Sections 54.1-56.101:  Attorneys at law to Automobile and Other Motor Vehicles
  • Volume 2A -- Sections 56A:1-56A:364:  Automobiles and Other Motor Vehicles Personal Injury Actions
  • Volume 3 -- Sections 57:1-63.18:  Aviation to Blue Sky Law
  • Volume 3A -- Sections 64:1-71:45:  Boats and Vessels to Carriers
  • Volume 4 -- Sections 72:1-86.64:  Cemeteries to Corporations
  • Volume 4A -- Sections 87:1-95:92:  Costs to Defective Premises and Equipment
  • Volume 5 pt 1 -- Sections 97:1-97:300:  Dissolution of Marriage
  • Volume 5 pt 2 -- Sections 97:301-98:22:  Dissolution of Marriage (cont'd) to Domestic Violence
  • Volume 5A -- Sections 99:1 to 112:76:  Dramahops to False Imprisonment
  • Volume 6 -- Sections 113:1-124:35:  Federal Employers' Liability and Jones Act to Guaranty
  • Volume 6A -- Sections 125:1-132A:17:  Habeas Corpus to Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress
  • Volume 6B -- Sections 133:1-145:37:  Interpleader to Master and Servant
  • Volume 7 -- Sections 146:1-161A:24:  Mechanics' and Other Liens to Posttrial Motions
  • Volume 7A -- Sections 162:1-180:14:  Prohibition to Street, Subway, and Public Transportation
  • Volume 7B -- Sections 181.1-188:22:  Streets to Telecommunications
  • Volume 8 -- Sections 189:1-202:19:  Theatres and Shows to Waters and Watercourses
  • Volume 8A -- Sections 202:1-211:10:  Wills to Zoning; Appeal and Review
  • Tables / Index

Illinois Forms, Legal and Business
online at Westlaw

  • Sections 1:1-15:58:  Real Property
  • Sections 15A:1-12:57:  Personal Property
  • Sections 16A:1-16B:96:  Leases
  • Sections 17:1-18B:37:  Consumer Protections
  • Sections 18C:1-27:40:  Contracts
  • Sections 28:1-32:21:  Business Enterprises
  • Sections 33:1-35:632:  Estate Planning
  • Sections 36:1-38:63:  Family Law
  • Sections 39:1-41:98:  Nonprofit Organizations
  • Sections 42:1-49:85:  Uniform Commercial Code
  • General Index. Tables.

Illinois Practice Series
online at Westlaw

  • Volume 1:  Uniform Commercial Code Forms Annotated
    Volume 2:  Uniform Commercial Code Forms Annotated, Second Edition
    Volume 2A:  Uniform Commercial Code with Illinois Code Comments
    Volume 2B: Uniform Commercial Code with Illinois Code Comments
  • Volume 13: Illinois Practice of Family Law Forms

Nichols Illinois Civil Practice, with forms
online at Westlaw

  • Volume 1 -- Sections 1:1-9:25:  General Review to Venue
  • Volume 1A -- Sections 10:1-25:11:  General Considerations to Appearance of Defendant
  • Volume 2 -- Sections 26:1-31:68:  Pleadings, in General to Motions Relating to Pleadings
  • Volume 3 -- Sections 32:1-52:16:  Pretrial Procedure
  • Volume 3A -- Sections 53:1-66:16:  Trial; Posttrial Motions
  • Volume 4 -- Sections 67:1-77:32:  Judgments
  • Volume 5 -- Sections 78:1-90:24:  Enforcement of Judgments; Costs
  • Volume 5A -- Sections 91:1-100:7:  Appeal and Review
  • Volume 6 -- Sections 109:1-118:54:  Appeal and Review (cont'd)
  • Volume 6A -- Sections 119:1-130:59 :  Special Actions:  Abuse and Neglect of Children to Eminent Domain
  • Volume 7 -- Sections 131:1-132:28:  Specific Actions: Family Law; Forcible Entry and Detainer
  • Volume 7A -- Sections 133:1-140:29:  Specifc Actions: Forceclosure to Medical Practice
  • Volume 8 -- Sections 141:1-152:22:  Specific Actions: Partition to Wrongful Death
  • Volume 9 -- Table of Laws and Rules; Table of Cases; Indices
  • ADR Handbook

Personal Injury Forms:  Illinois
online at Westlaw

  • Volume 1:  Evaluating the Case
  • Volume 2:  Beginning the Case
  • Volume 3:  Preliminary Filings and Pleadings
  • Volume 4:  Claims Against Government Agencies
  • Volume 5:  Pretrial Motions
  • Volume 6:  Discovery
  • Volume 7:  Automobile Accidents
  • Volume 8:  Premises Liability
  • Volume 9:  Products Liability
  • Volume 10:  Medical Malpractice
  • Volume 11:  Arbitration
  • Volume 12:  Settlement
  • Volume 13:  Trial
  • Volume 14:  Posttrial and Appellate Review

Illinois Practice Series
online at Westlaw

  • Business Organizations, 2d (Vols. 7 and 8)
  • Civil Discovery, 2d (Vol. 10)
  • Civil Litigation Guide (Vol. 4A)
  • Civil Procedure Before Trial, 2d (Vols. 3 and 4)
  • Civil Trial Procedure, 2d (Vol. 9)
  • Courtroom Handbook on Illinois Evidence (Vol. 11)
  • Criminal Practice and Procedure, 2d (Vols. 5-6A)
  • Estate Planning and Administration in Illinois, 4th (Vol. 17-20)
  • Illinois Automobile Insurance Law (Vol. 23)
  • Illinois Construction Law Manual (Vol. 24)
  • Illinois DUI Law and Practice Guidebook (Vol. 25)
  • The Illinois Practice of Family Law (Vol. 12 & 13)
  • Illinois Workers’ Compensation Law (Vol. 27)
  • The Law of Medical Practice in Illinois, 3d (Vol. 21-22)
  • Real Estate, 3d (Vols. 14-16)
  • Summary Judgment and Related Termination Motions (Vol. 26)
  • Uniform Commercial Code Forms Annotated, 2d (Vols. 1 and 2)
  • Uniform Commercial Code with Illinois Code Comments (Vol. 2A and 2B)
  • General Index

Trial Handbook for Illinois Lawyers

  • Civil: print (KFI1738.Z9 H78) | online at Westlaw
  • Criminal: print (KFI1738.Z9 H85) | online at Westlaw
  • Criminal Sentencing: print (KFI1738.Z9 H82) | online at Westlaw
  • Homicide: online at Westlaw

Data and Social Sciences Librarian

Profile Photo
Chad Kahl
he / him / his
Office: Milner 419
(309) 438-3454