Let's say you are looking for articles about Ionisation by Edgard Varèse. Here is an example of how you could search for this topic in Music Periodicals Database:
The information in the middle tells you more about the article, including:
The right side of the article page has some helpful tools including:
At the top of the article page, there are options for accessing the article through Milner Library.
If there is full text through the database you are searching, there will be Full Text - PDF and Download PDF links.
If there are no full text links in the database you are searching, choose the Find It button to see if it is available through any other Milner databases.
If a LibKey access page appears, choose the Download PDF link to get the full text or select the Article Link to view the page for the article in the journal the article appears in.
If LibKey can't find online full text access, the Find It page will appear instead. The Find It page may sometimes have other online access links or a listing of Mlner's print volumes of the journal the article is in.
If there isn't online or print access in Find It, Choose Sign in in the yellow box that says "Please sign in to check for any request options."
When you choose Sign In next to it and login with your ULID and password, it should give you a link to request the article via interlibrary loan (ILL).