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MUS 234, S1 - Applied Music (Advanced Percussion)

This guide contains resources to help find percussion journals, scores, books, audio recordings, and other resources for your assignments in Percussion Studio.

Browsing for Books

Most percussion books are on the 6th floor of Milner Library. Search the library catalog to find out what books are in the collection.

Books in Milner Library are cataloged using the Library of Congress classification system. You can browse the following sections of call numbers on the shelf to find books related to percussion:

Call Number Range Subject
ML 128 .P23 Repertoire Guides
MT 655.4 Percussion orchestral examples
MT 660 Timpani
MT 622 Snare or small drum
MT 711 Bells
MT 719 Mallets
MT 720 Orchestral bells

Interested in how long you can check out a book? View the list of loan periods Milner resources.

While you are looking on the shelves for a book or two that you think look helpful, you can continue to browse the books on the same part of the shelf as the books you find helpful.

This is another great way to find other books on a similar topic that may also be helpful for your research!

When you search the Library Catalog, choose Virtual Browse from the menu on the left or scroll down to the bottom of a book page. Virtual Browse shows you books that would appear on the library shelves on either side of the one you are interested in. This is a great way to find more books that are similar to one you find helpful!

Choose a book image to view the catalog book page for that book. Select the left and right arrows to see more books near yours.

Screenshot of virtual browse on the Milner catalog page for a book

Need help? Ask me!

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Christine Fary
Phone: 309-438-5010
Office: Milner Room 426A
In person and Zoom consultations by appointment: use the Schedule Appointment button.
Subjects: Agriculture, Music