If both Milner Library and the I-Share libraries do not have access to a book you need, you can try requesting the book via interlibrary loan (ILL):
- Interlibrary is a free service where you can fill out a form with the information for your item, and Interlibrary Loan staff will check to see if they can get the book from another library.
- The easiest way to request a book through interlibrary loan is through the Find It page for your book because it will auto-fill out a request form with the information for your item so all you need to do is choose your Department/Major and submit the request!
- To get a Find It page for your book, search for the title and author in WorldCat. WorldCat searches libraries throughout the world.
- On the WorldCat page for your book, choose the Find It button.
![Screenshot showing Find It button on Worldcat page for a percussion book.](https://d2jv02qf7xgjwx.cloudfront.net/accounts/4877/images/2025-01-17_Worldcat_Find_It.png)
- On the Find It page for the item, choose Sign in next to Please sign in to check for any request options.
![Screenshot of Milner page for book with option to sign in to check for request options](https://d2jv02qf7xgjwx.cloudfront.net/accounts/4877/images/2025-01-17_Worldcat_Milner_page_sign_in.png)
- Select ULID login and login with your ULID and password.
![Screenshot of Milner page for book showing interlibrary loan request link after logging in with ULID and password.](https://d2jv02qf7xgjwx.cloudfront.net/accounts/4877/images/2025-01-17_Worldcat_Milner_page_ILL_link.png)
- Choose Request book through interlibrary loan to login to your interlibrary loan account and get a book request form pre-filled with the information for your book.