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MUS 434, S1 - Applied Music: Percussion

This guide contains resources to help find percussion journals, scores, books, audio recordings, and other resources for your assignments in Percussion Studio.

Book Search Strategies

To find a book on a particular topic, search the library's catalog by subject (not just keyword). The Find a Book by Subject help video shows how search by subject in the Milner Library Catalog. This strategy will help you find more relevant books more quickly!

Subject headings are tags that the library assigns to all the books about a particular topic to make those books easier to find. You can find these tags on the catalog page for a book under Subjects in the Details section.

Some subject headings to search for in percussion are:

If you know the title and author of a book you would like to check for, you can search by title or author. There are help videos that show how to do each of these searches:

If you want to search by both title and author at the same time, you can use the advanced search to enter the title in one box with the Keyword dropdown changed to Title and the author in a second box with the Keyword dropdown changed to Author/Creator.

Milner Catalog & I-Share Catalog Limiters

  • In both the Library Catalog and All I-Share Libraries searches, after you do an initial search, there will be a Tweak your results menu on the left of the results screen that you can use to narrow your results.
  • See the Set Search Limits in the Milner Library Catalog help video for more information about the limiters and how to use them.

Screenshot of Milner Catalog search limiting options

Need help? Ask me!

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Christine Fary
Phone: 309-438-5010
Office: Milner Room 426A
In person and Zoom consultations by appointment: use the Schedule Appointment button.
Subjects: Agriculture, Music