Milner provides our users with access to more than 550,000 eBooks. During the pandemic we have made an extra effort to increase our e-resource offerings. If there's an ebook you'd like to use for your research or teaching, place a request and we may be able to purchase it if it's available. Unfortunately, as much as we wish we could provide every eBook our users want, there are a variety of reasons why it often isn't possible.
- Many titles just aren't published as ebooks.
- Many other titles are only available for individuals to purchase, and only offer licenses that prevent libraries from making them available to users.
- When an ebook is available for libraries to purchase, often it's only available with highly restrictive license terms that prevent more than one user from accessing it at a time. We try to avoid purchasing ebooks with unacceptably restrictive licenses, especially if a class uses that title as a textbook.
- Sometimes ebooks are available for institutional purchase in other countries, but not licensed for sale in the United States.
- Sometimes ebooks are available, but the license for institutional purchase is too expensive. The price of an institutional ebook license is usually many times more expensive than the price for an individual. Occasionally the price of a single ebook can exceed the entire budget allotted for an academic subject.
- Sometimes ebooks are only available as part of a larger subscription to a package. The size and cost of these packages is often prohibitive.