This guide is a collection of links to a great many resources of potential use to you in this course. These links are brought together to help you make efficient use of your valuable time.
- Home: On this page will find information on the structure of the guide and where to find various kinds of information within this guide.
- Article Databases: This page has a collection of article databases that may help you find useful academic journal articles as well as links to a couple of tools to help to find articles that we have access to through Milner.
- Data Repositories: This page has links to data repositories, some primarily health related and others more general, where you can find open datasets that may help you with your research.
- Assessing Sources: This page contains resources to help you think critically about information and their sources to evaluate the strength and utility of each of those sources.
- APA Style: This page contains links to resources to help you format your papers and cite your sources properly within the APA format.
- Style, Format, and Professional Resources: This page contains links to resources to help you navigate grad school, research, and tools that may have professional utility.