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POL 293a01 - Workshop Model United Nations

Hello, I have created this website in an attempt to help you navigate through the sea of information about your chosen country, Namibia. Throughout this guide, you will find resources about Namibia, as well as about the specific sessions you will be attending as Model UN members.

I'm also including a link to the National Model UN Conference Website, and the background guides (found at the bottom of the page in the previous link) which provides more information about the committees and topics.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact me. I have included all of my contact information in the boxes on the right side of each page of this guide.

Table of Contents

  • United Nations Information: This group of pages collects information on the united nations, including documents, history, and data.
  • Namibia Resources: These pages provide information on Namibia, specifically government and legal information.
  • Milner Resources: These pages provide information on Namibia, both with books from the catalog and databases containing research articles.
  • Committee Resources: These pages provide examples of resources on individual topics for each committee. These are examples to help you get started and are not comprehensive. Use these sources to find more information and collect keywords.

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Data and Social Sciences Librarian

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Chad Kahl
he / him / his
Office: Milner 419
(309) 438-3454

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