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Languages, Literatures & Cultures

A guide to library resources to those studying languages and cultures


  • How to Use MLA Style
    A quick overview of how to use MLA style.
  • Examples
    Includes both in-text citing and reference format examples of a variety of source types.
    • Books
      Examples for books with different number of authors, edited books, book chapters, and multiple editions.
    • Articles
      Examples for journal, magazine, and newspaper articles.
    • Web & Social Media
      Examples for web pages, blogs, podcasts, social media, and online video.
    • Other Sources
      Examples for sources that do not fall into the other source type categories like interviews, government documents, and encyclopedias.
  • Other Resources
    Links to supplemental resources that can help you with using this style.
  • Books at Milner
    Links to books in Milner Library that provide additional information on how to format references and do in-text citing.
  • Why Cite Overview
    Overview of the reasons to cite a source, the basic structure of a reference, and when to cite a source.

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Kate Tallman
Milner Library
Room 516