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Google Scholar

This guide tells how to connect your Google Scholar account to Milner Library's Find It, perform cited by searches, view citations, and create a Google Scholar profile.

Connecting Google Scholar to Milner's Find It

How to Show Milner's Find It Link in Google Scholar

You can make the Milner Library Find It link Image of Find It at ISU linkappear in your Google Scholar search results to find out if Milner has print or online access to articles you found on Google Scholar. If Milner does not have access, submit an Interlibrary Loan request (a FREE service) using the link on the Find It page for your item.

  1. Go to Google Scholar, choose Sign In, and login with your Google account username and password.
  2. Select the three-line menu icon in the upper left corner of the screen to get the Google Scholar menu.Image showing where to find three-line menu icon
  3. Choose Settings.
    NOTE: My library is NOT related to connecting Google Scholar to Milner Library.  Instead, it is your personal collection of saved search results.
    Image showing where to find Settings option
  4. Select Library links from the left.
    Image showing where to find Library links
  5. Enter Illinois State University in the search box and choose the magnifying glassImage showing search for Illinois State University
  6. University names will appear beneath the search box.  To link to the Milner Library Catalog and Articles Search, check the box next to Illinois State University (ISU) - Normal, IL - Find It @ ISU. Select Save.

NOTE: If Open WorldCat is selected by default under the search box, uncheck it to prevent confusion in your results list.

Choosing Illinois State University (ISU) - Normal IL  -Find It @ ISU on Library Links page

Locating the Milner Find It Link in Your Google Scholar Results

When you search Google Scholar after linking to Milner Library, you should see a Find It @ ISU link next to many of the search results, which often means that Milner Library has online full text access to those items.

Image showing where to find Find It @ ISU link for Google Scholar article

For some results, the link may be hidden, which usually means one of two things:

Click the double arrow icon at the bottom of the article listing next to the links about citations and versions.

Image showing where to find double arrow to view more options for article

You should then see the Find It @ ISU link next to the double arrow icon.

Image showing Find It @ ISU link appearing under article after clicking double arrow

Guide Author

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Christine Fary
Phone: 309-438-5010
Office: Milner Room 426A
In person and Zoom consultations by appointment: use the Schedule Appointment button.
Subjects: Agriculture, Music

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