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Google Scholar

This guide tells how to connect your Google Scholar account to Milner Library's Find It, perform cited by searches, view citations, and create a Google Scholar profile.

How to Peform a Cited By Search

Google Scholar provides cited by links that you can use to trace back from a source you are interested in to find articles and books that have cited your source. To do a cited by search in Google Scholar:

  1. Do a Google Scholar search for a particular title or topic.
  2. Each item on the results list will have a Cited By link. Choose the Cited By link for the source you want to trace.Google Scholar search results list
  3. You will then get a new Google Scholar results list of all the articles, books and other resources that cite the item you chose in order of the number of times each item was cited by other sources.
    Google Scholar cited by search results

Guide Author

Profile Photo
Christine Fary
Phone: 309-438-5010
Office: Milner Room 426A
In person and Zoom consultations by appointment: use the Schedule Appointment button.
Subjects: Agriculture, Music

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