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Google Scholar

This guide tells how to connect your Google Scholar account to Milner Library's Find It, perform cited by searches, view citations, and create a Google Scholar profile.

Create and Edit Author Profile

Create Your Author Profile

  1. Go to Google Scholar, choose Sign In,  and login with your Google account username and password.
  2. Click My Profile at the top left of the screen.Image showing where to find My Profile option
  3. The Profile page will lead you through a three-step creation process:
    • Profile: Enter personal information such as your name, affiliation, email, areas of study, and personal website URL.
    • Articles: Search for and check boxes next to articles you have published to add them to your profile.
    • Settings: Choose whether you want alerts from Google Scholar when it finds your new articles and whether you want your profile to be public.  If you make your profile public, other people will be able to find and read your research on Google Scholar.

You can also view other Illinois State University colleagues' profiles.

Edit Your Author Profile

After you create your profile, you can edit it at any time.  You will see a page like this, with your profile information at the top, and your list of articles underneath.

Image  showing options for editing profile information, uploading new profile photo, and adding more articles to your list

  • To edit your Profile information, click the pencil next to your name.
  • To upload a new profile photo, click the camera icon on the photo circle.
  • To add more articles to your article list, click the two overlapping squares with the plus sign.

Guide Author

Profile Photo
Christine Fary
Phone: 309-438-5010
Office: Milner Room 426A
In person and Zoom consultations by appointment: use the Schedule Appointment button.
Subjects: Agriculture, Music

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