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Scholarly Communication

This guide describes services of Milner Library's scholarly communication program, and provides links to resources related to academic publishing, copyright, and open educational content.

Agreements with Publishers

Milner Library has entered into agreements with several scholarly publishers to better support Open Access to their content. The details--and therefore the impact on open scholarship--are different for each agreement.

Although we would love to provide funding to publish everything open access, some of our agreements limit the number of articles that can be published open access and we may accordingly deny some requests for open access funding. Contact with any questions.

Agreements since 2021:

ACM (Association for Computing Machinery)

This open access agreement runs from January 2024 through December 2026. It provides access to read all ACM journals, which are now open access by default and allows ISU corresponding authors to publish eligible articles open access in all ACM journals with no fee charged to them.

Annual Reviews

The library has signed a two-year agreement (ends December 2024) with Annual Reviews, a non-profit science publisher. Since 2017, Annual Reviews has used an Open Access journal funding model called Subscribe to Open, which relies on sufficient library subscriptions to convert gated journals to Open Access volume-by-volume. If the journal maintains subscriptions at a level to sustain its operational costs, the current year’s volume becomes Open Access. ISU corresponding authors can publish in Annual Reviews titles at no cost. The following Annual Reviews are available through Milner's subscription:

Annual Review of AnthropologyAnnual Review of BiochemistryAnnual Review of BiophysicsAnnual Review of Cell and Developmental BiologyAnnual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and SystematicsAnnual Review of EntomologyAnnual Review of Environment and ResourcesAnnual Review of GeneticsAnnual Review of Genomics and Human GeneticsAnnual Review of ImmunologyAnnual Review of MedicineAnnual Review of MicrobiologyAnnual Review of NeuroscienceAnnual Review of NutritionAnnual Review of Pharmacology and ToxicologyAnnual Review of Physical ChemistryAnnual Review of PhysiologyAnnual Review of PhytopathologyAnnual Review of Plant BiologyAnnual Review of PsychologyAnnual Review of Public HealthAnnual Review of Sociology

Cambridge University Press

This Read and Publish agreement, which is good from January 2024 to December 2026, expanded ISU's full-text access to CUP journals for ISU faculty, staff, and students. Previous access of approximately 80 journals increased to include all journals published through Cambridge Core.

This agreement also allows research published by Illinois State University scholars to be made open access in Cambridge’s open-access and hybrid journals, without having to pay an article processing charge (APC). Normally, the average APC for a journal published by Cambridge University Press would be approximately $3,000 per article. Articles written by ISU corresponding authors that are accepted before December 2026 are eligible for the APC waiver.  Authors can use the Waivers & Discount Tool (select United States and Illinois State University) to see full list of "journals covered by this agreement."

When an author’s article is published in a Cambridge open-access journal, they will be asked to assign a Creative Commons license to their work. There is no limit to the number of eligible Cambridge University Press published articles that can be made open access each year.

Company of Biologists

A three-year deal (ends December 2025) signed with Company of Biologists—a charity and non-profit publisher of scientific journals—increases ISU’s access to their content and allows ISU scholars to make their accepted articles openly available. The deal gives ISU unlimited access to current and archived articles from Company of Biologists’ hybrid subscription journals Development, Journal of Cell Science, and Journal of Experimental Biology, and fully OA journals Disease Models & Mechanisms and Biology Open. The deal also allows unlimited waivers of publication fees (which are typically charged by these journals) for ISU scholars that are corresponding authors on accepted articles in any Company of Biologist journal.

IGI Global

As part of a 2021 deal with IGI Global, Milner acquired 30 e-book titles from the multidisciplinary publisher and secured Open Access waivers for three book chapters written by ISU scholars. Milner librarians worked with IGI representatives and the authors to flip their chapters to Open Access at no additional cost. The chapters were also deposited in ISU's institutional repository, ISU ReD, so they can be freely downloaded here or from the publisher's website.

IOP (Institute of Physics)

Milner has entered into a three-year agreement (January 2024 - December 2026) with Institute of Physic. The agreement provides unlimited open access publishing for corresponding ISU scholars. The deal gives ISU unlimited access to current and archived articles from the IOP Science Extra (IOPSX) and 2024 Electrochemical Society Digital Library (ECSDL), totaling around 130 journals,

MIT Press

Milner Library has joined over 250 other libraries in 2023 in supporting Direct to Open (D2O), a sustainable approach to funding Open Access monographs. Developed by the MIT Press and launched in early 2021, D2O was designed to help non-profit scholarly presses thrive as well as make recent titles available for the public to read at no cost. If the contribution threshold is not reached, libraries receive access to the titles published during the year they contributed. Milner Library is supporting the complete collection, which means the ISU community has full read access to MIT Press's backlist of around 2,500 digital monographs through June 20, 2024.

Microbiology Society

Milner has entered into a a one-year agreement (January - December 2024) with Microbiology Society—a learned society, membership organization, and non-profit publisher of academic journals for scientists interested in microbes, their effects and their practical uses. The agreement provides unlimited open access publishing for corresponding ISU scholars. The deal gives ISU unlimited access to current and archived articles from Microbiology Society’s journals--Access MicrobiologyInternational Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary MicrobiologyJournal of General VirologyJournal of Medical MicrobiologyMicrobial Genomics, and Microbiology--back to 1947, for reading and for text and data mining. 

Royal Society of Chemistry

Illinois State University has a three-year (January 2024 through December 2026) open access agreement with Royal Society of Chemistry. Under the agreement, all current RSC journals will be available to read.  The agreement also covers open access publishing charges for corresponding authors affiliated with ISU. Eligible ISU authors can publish their work open access at no cost to them in any hybrid journal: RSC Read & Publish. 

Sage Publications

An agreement effective January 2024 - December 2026 provides access to all Sage journals and unlimited Open Access publishing in eligible hybrid Open Access journals for corresponding authors affiliated with Illinois State University.

Taylor & Francis

This agreement gives the ISU community access to Taylor & Francis's Education Collection of scholarly journals, as well as an allotment of Open Access publishing fee waivers for ISU authors, between January 2023 and December 2025.

ISU corresponding authors who have an article accepted in any of Taylor & Francis’s 2,000 Open Select (hybrid) or fully open access journals (not just education titles) are eligible to publish their research Open Access. A limited number of waivers are available annually to authors on a first-come, first-serve basis. Milner Library will monitor ISU-related publication output with Taylor & Francis and coordinate waiver requests from eligible authors.

Open Access Support

Milner Library supports the following Open Access platforms: