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MUS 194 - Principles of Music Therapy (Ropp)

This guide provides resources to help with research for the Population Information Reference Sheet assignment for MUS 194.

Citing in APA Style

APA stands for American Psychological Association, which currently uses the Publication Manual of American Psychological Society 7th edition to cite sources.

Citing sources is important because:

  • It allows your readers to find and view the original sources used in your research.
  • It provides credit to all the people whose ideas you are citing in your paper to support your own research.

Find out more about citing sources, citation styles, citation managers, and more in the Citing Sources guide.

Milner Library has a variety of sources for APA Style including:

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Christine Fary
Phone: 309-438-5010
Office: Milner Room 426A
In person and Zoom consultations by appointment: use the Schedule Appointment button.
Subjects: Agriculture, Music