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MUS 194 - Principles of Music Therapy (Ropp)

This guide provides resources to help with research for the Population Information Reference Sheet assignment for MUS 194.

Browsing for Books

When you search the Library Catalog, choose Virtual Browse from the menu on the left or scroll down to the bottom of a book page. Virtual Browse shows you books that would appear on the library shelves on either side of the one you are interested in. This is a great way to find more books that are similar to one you find helpful!

Choose a book image to view the catalog book page for that book. Select the left and right arrows to see more books near yours.

Screenshot showing virtual browse option on book page in Library Catalog search

While you are looking on the shelves for a book or two that you think look helpful, you can continue to browse the books on the same part of the shelf as the books you find helpful.

This is another great way to find other books on a similar topic that may also be helpful for your research!