Congress.govofficial source for federal legislative information
Available information includes:
• Legislation: "Each piece of legislation has a landing page with tabs to help users find key information for the bill. Tabs take users to the following information: summary, major actions, titles, amendments, cosponsors, committees, and related bills."
• The Congressional Record: "[A] substantially verbatim account of remarks made during the proceedings of the House and Senate, is available from 1995 with the beginning of the 104th Congress."
• Committee Information: A Committees Landing page is available that lists general information about Committees. All House and Senate committees for the current Congress are available with links to specific Committee pages."
• Committee Reports: "A...landing page provides an overview section with a report-lookup tool by report type and citation number. The result listing appears in the lower half of the landing page and offers faceted searching targeted to Committee Reports, including a report type facet, and a conference report facet."
• Profiles of Members of Congress: "All Members since 1973 and some members from 1947-1972 can be filtered by state, Congress, House or Senate, party, or Members currently serving....Member landing pages include a picture (when available), biography, years and Congresses served, the Member's state and district (Representatives only), party history, Member website link, and other key data."