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Teaching and Learning

This guide is meant to help with education-focused research by sharing recommended resources and strategies for students and faculty.

Reading Call Numbers

Education Call Numbers

L 1-99: Periodicals. Societies.
L 100-106: Yearbooks
L 107-110: Congresses
L 111-796: Official documents, reports, etc.
L 797-898: Educational exhibitions and museums
L899: School Fairs
L 900-999: Directories of educational institutions

LA 1-30: General
LA 31-172: By period
LA 173-199: Higher Education
LA 200-399: United States
LA 400-2299: Other regions or countries
LA 2300-2399: Biography

LB 1-50: General
LB 51-1024: Systems of individual educators and writers
LB 1025-1050.75: Teaching (Principles and Practice)
LB 1050.9-1099: Educational Psychology
LB 1100-1131.99: Child Study (psychology and assessment)
LB 1132-1139: Child Study (literacy in the early years)
LB 1139.2-1139.5: Early Childhood Education
LB 1140-1140.5: Preschool Education/Nursery Schools
LB 1141-1499: Kindergarten
LB 1501-1547: Primary Education
LB 1550-1602: Elementary or Public School Education
LB 1603-1696.6: Secondary Education/High Schools
LB 1700-2286: Education and Training of Teachers and Administrators
LB 2300-2430: Higher Education
LB 2500-2798: School Law
LB 2799-2799.3: Educational Consultants and consulting
LB 2801-3095: School Administration & Organization
LB 3201-3325: School Architecture & Equipment.
LB 3401-3495: School hygiene & health services.
LB 3497-3499: Hygiene in universities & colleges
LB 3525-3575: Special Days
LB 3602-3640: School Life
LB 4000-5251: Instruction of Special Needs Students

LC1-59: Forms of Education
LC 60-249: Social Aspects of Education
LC 65-67.68: Economic Aspects of Education
LC 68-70: Demographic Aspects of Education
LC 71: Education and the State
LC 72-72.5: Academic Freedom
LC 73: Educational Policy
LC 107-120.4: Public School Question. Secularization. Religious Instruction in the public schools
LC 129-139: Compulsory Education
LC 142-146.7: Attendance. Dropouts. [Prior to college]
LC 148-148.5: Attendance. Dropouts. [Higher education]
LC 149-161: Literacy. Illiteracy.
LC 165-182: Higher Education and the state
LC 184-188: Taxation of schools and colleges
LC 189-214.53: Educational sociology
LC 223: Schools as Community Centers
LC 225-226.7: Home and School
LC 230-235: Parent-Teacher Associations. Home and School Associations
LC 237-238.4: College-university and the community
LC 241-245: Foundations, endowments, funds
LC 250-951: Moral and Religious Education
LC 980-1099.5: Types of Education
LC 1100: Transformative Education
LC 1200-1203: Inclusive Education
LC 1390-5160.3: Education of special classes of persons
LC 4001-4806.5: Children and youth with disabilities. Learning disabled children and youth
LC 5200-6660: Education extension/Adult education/Continuing education
LC 6681: Education and travel
LC 6691: Traveling educational exhibits

LD 13-7251: Universities. Colleges
LD 7501: Secondary and elementary schools

LE-LG - Individual Institutions – Other Regions
LH - College and school magazines & papers
LJ - Student Fraternities and societies
LT - Textbooks

Finding and Accessing Books

Requesting Books

Wiley Handbooks in Education

The Wiley Handbook of School Choice
The Wiley Handbook of Teaching and Learning
The Wiley Handbook of Family, School, and Community Relationships in Education
The Wiley Handbook of Paulo Freire
The Wiley Handbook of Adult Literacy
The Wiley Handbook of Educational Supervision
The Wiley Handbook of Global Workplace Learning
The Wiley Handbook of Problem-Based Learning
The Wiley Handbook of Vocational Education and Training
The Wiley Handbook of Action Research in Education
The Wiley International Handbook of Service-Learning for Social Justice
The Wiley International Handbook of Educational Foundations
Handbook of Early Childhood Care and Education
The Wiley International Handbook of Mentoring
The Wiley International Handbook of Educational Leadership