In-text Citation
In-text (without the author’s name): The longitudinal study7…
Narrative: Criado-Perez7 reported…
In the bibliography list the names separated by a comma; when naming the authors in a sentence use the last names joined by the word ‘and’.
In-text Citation
In-text (without the author’s name): The longitudinal study22…
Narrative: King and Sturrock22 reported…
In the bibliography, list all names separated by a comma; when naming the authors in a sentence use the last name of the first author followed by et al.
In-text Citation
In-text (without the author’s name): The longitudinal study17…
Narrative: Zimmerman et al17 reported…
In the bibliography, list the first three authors separated by a comma and then followed by et al.; when naming the authors in a sentence use the last name of the first author followed by et al.
In-text Citation
In-text (without the author’s name): The longitudinal study19…
Narrative: Barron et al19 reported…
Formatting of multiple authors is the same a book.
In-text Citation
In-text (without the author’s name): The longitudinal study2…
Narrative: Casper and Wertheimer2 reported…
Formatting of multiple authors is the same a book.
Wording for editions such as Second, Revised, and Enlarged are abbreviated in bibliography: 2nd ed.; rev. ed.; etc.
In-text Citation
In-text (without the author’s name): The longitudinal study8…
Narrative: Long and Robertson8 reported…
Formatting of multiple authors is the same a book.
In-text Citation
In-text (without the author’s name): The longitudinal study13…
Narrative: Sotomayor13 reported…
Formatting of multiple authors is the same a book.
In-text Citation
In-text (without the author’s name): The longitudinal study20…
Narrative: Nadel and Scher20 reported…
Formatting of multiple authors is the same a book.
In-text Citation
In-text (without the author’s name): The longitudinal study14…
Narrative: Truswell14 reported…
Formatting of multiple authors is the same a book.
In-text Citation
In-text (without the author’s name): The longitudinal study9…
Narrative: Mansdorf 9 reported…
Formatting of multiple authors is the same a book.
In-text Citation
In-text (without the author’s name): The longitudinal study21…
Narrative: Marino and Stilo21 reported…