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Resources to support research in art and design at Milner Library and beyond

Graphic Design Key Resources

Graphic designers research subjects such as art, technology, and communication. This page is just a sampling of resources. Explore the rest of this Art guide, and other guides, to identify further resources -- or consult the Fine Arts Librarian.

Book Call Numbers

Graphic design majors will use books from Art, on the Floor 6, and the web design, on Floor 5.

Call Number Subject
N General Art (divided by time periods & country)
  • NC845 - N915 Graphic Art Materials
  • NC950 - N996 Illustration
NA Architecture
NB Sculpture
NC Drawing, Design, Illustration
  • NC997 - NC1003 Commercial Art & Advertising
  • NC1800 - NC1850 Posters
  • NC1860 - NC1896 Greeting Cards, Book Jackets, Etc.
ND Painting
NE Engraving/Printing
  • NE1 - NE978 Printmaking & Engraving
  • NE1000 - NE1352 Wood Engraving
  • NE2250 - NE2570 Lithography
NK Decorative Arts, Applied Arts, Decoration & Ornament
  • NK1160 - NK1590 Decoration & Ornament, Design
  • NK3375 - NK3496 Wallpapers
  • NK8800 - NK9505 Textiles
NX Arts in General
P Linguistics
  • P99 Signs & Symbols
QA HTML, Web Site Design
  • QA76.76
TK Web publishing, Web Site Design
  • TK5105
TR Photography
TS Manufactures
  • TS195 - TS198 Packaging
TT Handicrafts, Arts & Crafts
Z Bibliography, Fine Printing, Book Arts
  • Z116 - Z265 Book Design & Printing, Typography