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Criminal Justice Sciences

This guide is meant to point researchers in the direction of commonly-used criminal justice resources available at Illinois State University. There are also descriptions of general search strategies to use those resources.

What's in This Section

This section will help you find different types of resources relating to topics in Criminal Justice. Each page includes resource lists and/or a discussion of how to access certain types of materials.

  • Use Criminal Justice Abstracts: a commonly-used criminal justice database
  • Use NCJRS: a Department of Justice database, the National Criminal Justice Reference Service
  • Use Nexis Uni: a commonly-used law database to find newspaper and law journal and review articles
  • Use HeinOnline: a commonly-used law database to find law journal and review articles
  • Navigate Westlaw: a commonly-used law database to find law journal and review articles
  • Evaluate Articles: This page lists suggestions for evaluating a resource in order to determine relevance and credibility.

If you have questions about anything in this section, or need more assistance finding what you need, please don't hesitate to reach out. You can find my contact information on the right side of the page.

Data and Social Sciences Librarian

Profile Photo
Chad Kahl
he / him / his
Office: Milner 416
(309) 438-3454