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Military Science

This guide is meant to point researchers in the direction of commonly-used Military Sciences resources available at Illinois State University. There are also descriptions of general search strategies to use those resources.

Introduction: Why OER?

According to the Hewlett Foundation, "OERs are teaching, learning, and research resources that reside in the public domain or have been released under an intellectual property license that permits their free use and re-purposing by others. Open educational resources include full courses, course materials, modules, textbooks, streaming videos, tests, software, and any other tools, materials, or techniques used to support access to knowledge."

In 2019, the Textbook Affordability Committee surveyed students and faculty at ISU and found that  73% of students did not acquire a textbook or course material due to cost, and 89% of students delayed purchasing textbooks or materials because of their cost. OERs remove that barrier, allowing students to come prepared to class on day one.

Additionally, the ability to remix OERs means that you as an instructor can create the best package of course materials for your students. You can customize and update materials as needed, within the bounds of copyright.

(borrowed from Milner's Affordable Course Materials Guide, another wonderful resource for these materials)

OER Journals and Articles

OER Sites

Subject Guide

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Christine Fary
Phone: 309-438-5010
Office: Milner Room 426A
In person and Zoom consultations by appointment: use the Schedule Appointment button.
Subjects: Agriculture, Music

Social Sciences Librarian

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Grace Allbaugh
Milner Room 415
Please use the "Book Appointment" button above to make an appointment.
(309) 438-5313