Military Science books can be found on the 5th floor of Milner Library. Here is a breakdown of the major subjects within Military Sciences, organized by Library of Congress call numbers. These are general topics. For more specific subtopics, reach out or search the library catalog.
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- U 21‑22.3 - War. Philosophy. Military sociology
- U 27‑43 - History of military science
- U 45 - Historiography
- U 56‑59 - Army clubs
- U 150‑155 - Military planning
- U 161‑163 - Strategy
- U 164‑167.5 - Tactics
- U 168 - Logistics
- U 250‑255 - Maneuvers (combined arms)
- U 260 - Joint operations. Combined operations
- U 261 - Amphibious warfare
- U 262 - Commando tactics
- U 263‑264.5 - Atomic warfare. Atomic weapons
- U 300‑305 - Artillery and rifle ranges
- U 310‑310.2 - War games
- U 320‑325 - Physical training of soldiers
- U 400‑714 - Military education and training
- U 750‑773 - Military life, manners and customs, antiquities, etc.
- U 799‑897 - History of arms and armor
- UA 21‑885 - By region or country
- UA 910‑915 - Mobilization
- UA 920‑925 - Plans for attack and defense
- UA 926‑929 - Civil defense
- UA 929.5‑929.95 - War damage in industry. Industrial defense
- UA 940‑945 - Military communication
- UA 950‑979 - Routes of travel. Distances
- UA 985‑997 - Military geography
- UB 160‑165 - Records, returns, muster rolls, etc.
- UB 170‑175 - Adjutant generals' offices
- UB 180‑197 - Civilian personnel departments
- UB 250‑271 - Intelligence
- UB 273‑274 - Sabotage
- UB 275‑277 - Psychological warfare. Propaganda
- UB 320‑338 - Enlistment, recruiting, etc.
- UB 340‑345 - Compulsory service. Conscription and exemption
- UB 356‑369.5 - Provision for veterans
- UB 370‑375 - Military pensions, etc.
- UB 380‑385 - Soldiers' and sailors' homes
- UB 407‑409 - Warrant officers. Noncommissioned officers
- UB 410‑415 - Officers
- UB 416‑419 - Minorities, women, etc. in armed forces
- UB 420‑425 - Furloughs
- UB 440‑449.5 - Retired military personnel
- UC 20‑258 - Organization of the service. By region or country
- UC 260‑267 - Supplies and stores
- UC 270‑360 - Transportation
- UC 400‑440 - Barracks. Quarters. Camps
- UC 460‑535 - Clothing and equipment
- UC 540‑585 - Equipage. Field kits
- UC 600‑695 - Horses. Mules. Remount service
- UC 700‑780 - Subsistence
- UD 157‑302 - Tactics. Maneuvers. Drill regulations
- UD 320‑325 - Manual of arms
- UD 330‑335 - Firing. Military sharpshooting
- UD 340‑345 - Bayonet drill
- UD 380‑425 - Small arms. Swords, etc.
- UD 450‑455 - Mounted infantry
- UD 460‑464 - Mountain troops
- UD 470‑475 - Ski troops
- UD 480‑485 - Airborne troops. Parachute troops
- UD 490‑495 - Airmobile operations
- UE 144‑145 - Horse cavalry
- UE 147 - Armored cavalry
- UE 157‑302 - Tactics. Maneuvers. Drill regulations
- UE 420‑425 - Cavalry sword exercises
- UE 460‑475 - Horses
- UF 157‑302 - Tactics. Maneuvers. Drill regulations
- UF 400‑405 - Field artillery
- UF 450‑455 - Seacoast artillery
- UF 460‑465 - Siege artillery
- UF 470‑475 - Howitzer artillery. Mortar batteries
- UF 480‑485 - Garrison artillery
- UF 500‑515 - Weapons systems
- UF 520‑537 - Ordnance and small arms
- UF 540‑545 - Arsenals, magazines, armories, etc.
- UF 560 ‑ 780 -Ordnance material (Ordnance proper)
- UF 820‑830 - Ballistics. Velocities and motions of projectiles
- UF 848‑856 - Artillery instruments. Fire control, etc.
- UG 1‑620 - Military engineering
- UG 160‑302 - Tactics and regulations
- UG 335 - Bridges
- UG 340 - Tunnels
- UG 360‑390 - Field engineering
- UG 400‑442 - Fortification
- UG 443‑449 - Attack and defense. Siege warfare
- UG 470‑474 - Military surveying, topography, and..mapping
- UG 490 - Land mines, etc.
- UG 500‑565 - Technical troops and other special corps
- UG 570‑582 - Military signaling
- UG 590‑613.5 - Military telegraphy and telephony
- UG 614‑614.5 - Military electric lighting
- UG 615‑620 - Military motor vehicles
- UG 622‑1435 - Air forces. Air warfare
- UG 633‑635 - By region or country
- UG 637‑639 - Education and training
- UG 640‑645 - Military aeronautical research
- UG 700‑705 - Tactics
- UG 730‑735 - Air defenses
- UG 760‑765 - Aerial reconnaissance
- UG 770‑1045 - Organization. Personnel management
- UG 1097 - Air bases
- UG 1100‑1435 - Equipment and supplies
- UG 1500‑1530 - Military astronautics. Space warfare. Space surveillance
- UH 20‑25 - Chaplains
- UH 201‑515 - Medical and sanitary services
- UH 520‑560 - Care of sick and wounded. Relief societies
- UH 600‑629.5 - Military hygiene and sanitation
- UH 700‑705 - Public relations. Press. War correspondents
- UH 750‑769 - Military social work. Social welfare services
- UH 800‑910 - Recreation and information services
- V 25-55 - History and antiquities of naval science
- V 66-69 - Navy clubs
- V 160-165 - Strategy
- V 167-178 - Tactics
- V 200 - Coast defense
- V 210-214.5 - Submarine warfare
- V 390-395 - Naval research
- V 396-396.5 - Military oceanography
- V 399 - Automation in the naval sciences
- V 400-695 - Naval education
- V 720-743 - Naval life, manners and customs, antiquities, etc.
- V 750-995 - War vessels: Construction, armament, etc.
- VA 49-395 - United States
- VA 400-750 - Other regions or countries
- VB 21-124 - By region or country
- VB 170-187 - Civil department
- VB 260-275 - Enlisted personnel
- VB 307-309 - Warrant officers
- VB 310-315 - Officers
- VB 320-325 - Minorities, women, etc. in navies
- VC 20-258 - Organization of service
- VC 260-268 - Supplies and stores
- VC 270-279 - Equipment of vessels, supplies, allowances, etc.
- VC 280-345 - Clothing and equipment
- VC 350-410 - Subsistence. Provisioning
- VC 412-425 - Navy yards and stations. Shore facilities
- VD 21-124 - By region or country
- VD 160-302 - Drill regulations
- VD 330-335 - Shooting
- VD 360-390 - Small arms
- VD 400-405 - Small boat service
- VE 23-124 - By region or country
- VE 160-302 - Drill regulations
- VE 330-335 - Shooting
- VE 360-390 - Small arms
- VE 420-425 - Barracks, quarters, etc.
- VE 430-435 - Training camps
- VF 21-124 - By region or country
- VF 160-302 - Ordnance instructions and drill books
- VF 310-315 - Target practice
- VF 346-348 - Naval weapons systems
- VF 350-375 - Ordnance and arms (General)
- VF 390-510 - Ordnance material (Ordnance proper)
- VG 20-25 - Chaplain
- VG 50-55 - Coast guard and coast signal service
- VG 70-85 - Naval communication by telegraphy, telephone, etc.
- VG 90-95 - Naval aviation
- VG 100-475 - Medical service
- VG 500-505 - Public relations. Press. War correspondents
- VG 2000 - Social work. Social welfare services
- VG 2020-2029 - Recreation and information service
- VK 15-124 History, conditions, etc.
- VK 321-369.8 - Harbors. Ports
- VK 381-397 - Signaling
- VK 401-529 - Study and teaching
- VK 549-572 - Science of navigation
- VK 573-587 - Nautical instruments
- VK 588-597 - Marine hydrography. Hydrographic surveying
- VK 600-794 - Tide and current tables
- VK 798-997 - Sailing directions. Pilot guides
- VK 1000-1249 - Lighthouse service
- VK 1250-1299 - Shipwrecks and fires
- VK 1299.5-1299.6 - Icebreaking operations
- VK 1300-1491 - Saving of life and property
- VK 1500-1661 - Pilots and pilotage
- VM 15-124 - History
- VM 165-276 - Study and teaching
- VM 295-296 - Contracts and specifications
- VM 298.5-301 - Shipbuilding industry. Shipyards
- VM 311-466 - Special types of vessels
- VM 595-989 - Marine engineering
- VM 975-989 - Diving