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Map Collection at Milner Library

For students and others interested in maps, this guide provides information on the collections and services in Milner Library.

United Staes - general - drawer 1

Title Year
1970 Population as a percent of maximum population 1970
1970 Population Distribution in United States 1970
1980 Population Distribution in United States 1980
1980 Population: Urban and Rural 1980
1990 Population Distribution in United States 1990
2000 Population Distribution in United States 2000
A New Map of the United States 1856
A Tapestry of Time and Terrain 2000
Airline Directions
American Railroads
American's Natural Resources
Boundaries of counties and county equivilants 1969
Census 1942
Census 1948
Census 1963
Census 1940
Census 1964
Census Urban Population 1963
Coal Areas in the United States 1971
Coal Fields of the United States
Colonization and Trade in the New World 1977
Consilated Urban Regions of the United States 1973
Consolidated Urban Regions of the United States 1967
Distribution of Older Americans: 1970 1976
Domestic Agriculture Migrants in the United States 1966
Eastern United States 1972
Eastern United States 1956
Eastern United States 1958
Eastern United States Population Density 1940
Employment in Manufacturing 1966
Employment in the Professional Technical and Kindred Occupations 1966
Families Below the Low-Income Level in 1969 1971
Families in Poverty Areas for Selected Cities of the United States 1960
Families in Poverty of Selected Cities 1960
Families with income under $3,000 1965
Federal Lands 1996
Forest Cover Types 2000
Functional Economic areas of the United States 1973
General Pattern of Great Soil Groups 1960
Historic Forts of the Old West 1975
Historic Forts of the Old West
Historical Map of the Conterminous United States 1967
Historical Map of the United States 1953
Historical Mps of the United States 1875
Housing Built Before and After 1950 1964
Housing Construction Authorized 1967
Housing Owned and Rented 1964
Indian Land and Communities 1971
Indian Land Areas 1993
Indian Land Cessions 1972
Indian Land in the United States 2000
Indian Reservations 1940
Indian Tribes and the United States
Indian Tribes, Cultures, and Language 1991
Japanese and Chinese in United States 1960
Landforms of the United States 1957
Major Waterway and Ports of the United States 1985
Map of the World/Historical United States Map/1930 Census
Median Family Money Income for 1967 1974
Metropolitan Areas 1974
Migrants in the U.S.A. 1956
Minerals of Western United States
Mohawk-hobbs Guide Routes
National Atlas of the United States of America 2002
National Atlas of the United States of America 2001
National Forests 1979
National Parks 1970
National Parks 1958
National Wild and Scenic River System 1990
Native American Heritage 1991
Negro Population as Percent of Total Population 1973
Net Migration 1973
Number of American Indians 1971
Number of Chinese 1973
Number of Filipinos 1973
Number of Filipinos 1971
Number of Japanese 1973
Number of Negro Persons 1973
Number of Negro Persons 1973
Number of Negro Persons 1970
Number of Owner Occupied Housing Units 1970
Number of Persons of Spanish Origin 1973
Number of Persons of Spanish Origin 1971
Older Americans  1970
Older Americans  1965
Outline Map of the United States 1993
Outline Map of the United States 1919
Outline Map of the United States
P.W.A. in Action
Per Capita Money Income for 1969 1974
Per. Capita Money Income 1959
Percent Change in Population 1971
Percent Change in Population 1969
Percent Change in the Negro Population 1974
Percent Population Change by Counties 1960-1970
Percent Urban Population 1967
Persons of Hispanic Origin as a Percent of Total Population: 1990 1990
Pictorial and Historical Map of the United States 1972
Picture Map of Indian Americans
Population 1972
Population Density  1970
Population Density Western United States
Population Distribution in Rural United States 1966
Population Distribution, Urban and Rural 1963
Population Distribution, Urban and Rural, in the United States 1960
Population Distribution, Urban and Rural: 1970 1970
Population Distribution: Urban and Rural: 1950 1950
Population Trends 1973
Population With High School Education of More 1960
Population with High School Education or more 1966
Portrait U.S.A.  1976
Poulation 1960
Presidential Elections (1789-2000) 2001
Presidential Elections 1972-1984 1988
Principal Waterway of the United States 1966
Railroad, Highway, and Water Transportation Systems: 1974 1977
Recreational Areas of the United States 1936
Right Here in America (Greyhound) 1935
Standard Metropolitan Areas in United States and Puerto Rico 1967
Standard Metropolitan Areas in United States and Puerto Rico 1963
Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas 1968
State Outline Map
State Outline Map
The Geographic Face of the Northern-Land Cover 1992
The Nature Map of the National Audbuon Society
The United States 1976
The United States
The United States 1975
The United States 1965
The United States 1956
The United States 1968
The United States 1946
The United States 1933
The United States 1940
The United States 1993
The United States Population Data Sheet 1983
The United States Population Data Sheet 1982
The United States Population Data Sheet 1988
The United States/Landforms of the United States 1988
Topographic Map Coverage and National Park System 1984
U.S. and Central America
United States 1990
United States 1951
United States 1972
United States 1946
United States
United States
United States  1969
United States  1950
United States  1961
United States  1952
United States (Political-Physical)
United States Base Map with County Boundaries and Names 1987
United States Elevations 1916
United States Graphic Base Information 1982
United States Military Posts 1944
United States of America 1964
United States of America 1965
United States Rural and Urban Population
United States, Southern Canada, and Newfoundland 1959
United States, Southern Canada, and Newfoundland 1948
Universal Map of the United States 1958
Vacationlands 1966
Western Emigrant Trails 1993
Western United States 1952
Western United States
Western United States 1960
Western United States 1972
Where did Columbus Find America? 1986
Wild and Scenic Rivers 1977
Year of Maximum Population by Counties 1970
Youth 16 and 17 years of age and in school 1960

United States - General drawer 2

1980 Population: Urban and Rural 1983
A Guide to Farm Jobs in the Intermountain States 1964 3
A Guide to Seasonal Farm Work Areas for the Western United States 1962 3
A Guide to Seasonal Farm Work Areas for the Western United States (in Spanish) 1962
Accounting Unites of the National Water Data Network 1979
Areas Characterized by Major Forest Types in the United States 1949
Areas in Which Potential Uranium Resources Have Been Estimated
Areas of Historical Oil and Gas Exploration and Production in the Conterminous United States 1998
Bureau of Reclamation Projects 1973 2
Bureau of Reclamation Projects 1972
Commercial Nuclear Power Plants in the United States 1990 2
Congressional Districts fo the 96th Congress
Congressional Districts for the 93rd Congress 1972
Congressional Districts for the 94th Congress 1974
Congressional Districts for the 95th Congress 1976
Counties in the United States 1940
Crop Patterns in the United States 1961 2
Crops of Enginereers Civil Works Activists 1966
Domestic Agricultural Migrants in the United States 1960
Economic Development Districts 1976
Ecoregions of the United States 1976
Estimated Proportion of Land in Floodplain 1985 2
Fall Freeze Occurance 1980
Families Below the Low-income Level in 1969 1971
Farm Job from Gulf to Great Lakes 1960 3
Federal Reclamation Dams 1977
Federal Reclamation Dams 1969
Flammulated, Boreal, and Great Grey Owls in the United States 1993 2
Forest Regions of the United States 1948
Forests and Trees of the United States 1971
Generalized Type of Farming in the United States 1949
Generalized Type of Farming in the United States 1964
Geological Provinces Code Map 1974
Geothermal Energy Resources of the Western United States 1977 2
Great Grey Owl Locations in the United States 1993
Guide to Seasonal Farm Work Areas in the Eastern Seaboard States 1962 3
Hydrolic Units  1998
Interpretive Landslide Potential Map
Land Resource Regions and Major Land Resource Areas of the United States 1963
Landforms of the United States 1957
Livestock and Livestock Products Sold in the United States 1959
Location of Irrigated Land 1949
Magnetic Declination in the United States 1975 2
Major Basin and Structual Features of the United States
Major Extra High Voltage Transmission Lines 1976
Major Natural Gas Pipelines 1965 2
Major Natural Gas Pipelines 1970 2
Major Natural Gas Pipelines 1969 2
Major Natural Gas Pipelines 1968 2
Major Natural Gas Pipelines 1978
Major Reserviors, Dams, Rivers, and Lakes of the United States 1963
Major Waterways and Parts of the Central and Eastern United States 1985
Major Waterways and Parts of the United States 1985
Major Waterways and Parts of the United States (Enlarged) 1985
Major Waterways and Parts of the United States Pacific Coast 1985
Map of Conterminous United States Showing Prevalent Chemical Type of Rivers 1962
Map of Conterminous United States Showing Prevalent Dissolved-Solids Concentration of Rivers 1962
Median Family Income 1971
Median Gross Rent 1970
Median Value of Owner Occupied Housing Units 1970
Mineral Industries in the United States: 1963 1968
National Fish and Wildlife Management Areas 1964
National Fish and Wildlife Management Areas 1965
National Fish Hatcheries 1965
National Uranium Resource Evaluation Areas with Favorable Geology 1979
National Wilderness Preservation System 1987 2
National Wildlife Management Areas 1978 2
National Wildlife Refuge System 1978 2
Natural Gas Fields and Pipeline Map of North America 1976
Natural Gas Piplines 1951
Negro Population as a Percent of the Total Population 1971
Number of Children 5 to 17 years old below the Poverty Level 1971
Number of Japanese 1971
Number of Workers Commuting in and Percent of Workers Commuting Out 1971
Number Persons of Spanish Origin 1971
Occurance of Petroleum and Natural Gas Reservoir Rocks 1964
Oil and Gas Fields of the United States 1964
Peak Seasonal Farm Labor Force and Crop Production Centers 1961
Peak Seasonal Farm Labor Force and Crop Production Centers 1959 3
Per Capita Retail Sales in the United States 1971
Percent Change in Employment in the Private Sector 1975
Percent Change in Manufactures Employment 1978
Percent of the Children 5 to 17 years old below the Poverty Level 1971
Percentafe Change in Corn Yield per Acre 1964
Petroleum Basin Map of the United States 1982
Physical Divisions of the United States 1946 2
Physical Divisions of the United States 1945
Physiolographic Diagram of the United States 1932
Plant Hardness Zone Map 1965
Plant Hardness Zone Map 1960
Plant Hardness Zone Map 1971
Potential Natural Vegetation 1975 3
Potential Natural Vegetation 1964
Preliminary Map of the Conterminous United States Showing Depth to and Quality of Shallowest Ground Water Containing More than 1,000 Parts Per Million Dissolved Solids 1965
Primary Home Heating Fuel 1970 2
Principal Aquifiers 1988
Principal Aquiters 2003
Principal Power Facilities Western United States 1990
Principal Waterways of the United States 1966
Products Pipe Line Map 1975 3
Products Pipelines in the United States and Canada  1976
Published Sold Surveys 1964 3
Ratio of Workers Working in the County to Workers Residing in the County 1971
Resource Conservation and Development Areas 1994 2
Seasonal Land Cover Regions 1993
Soil Surveys Adequate for Operational Planning 1964 2
Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas 1974
Status of Soil Surveys 1995
Status of Vertical Control 1986
Status of Vertical Control (color) 1986
The Magnetic Field in the United States. 1985 1988 7
The Magnetic Field in the United States. 1990 1992 2
The United States
The United States 1978
Thickness and Character of Quaternay Sediments in the Glaciated United States East of the Rocky Mountains 1994
United States 1960
United States Department of the Interior
United States Elevation 2001
United States Mines 1967
United States Nuclear Installations
United States Section of Petroleum Geologic Map of North America 2
USGS Level II Land Cover/ Land Cover Regions 1993
Value of Farm Products Sold Per Acre of Land in Forms 1964
Water Resources Development 1969 3
Water: Reflections on a Critical Resourse 1993
Watershed Protection and Flood Preservation 1965
Watershed Protection and Flood Preservation 1970
Watershed Protection and Flood Preservation 1964
Western United States 1952
Wetland Resources of the United States 1991

United States - General drawer 3

Title Date Copies
1969 Airline Map of the United States Courtesy of the Official Airline Guide
1982 County Outline Industrial Employment Map 1982 2
1992 Election Results 1992
A Good Natured Map of the United States/Greyhound Lines 1939
Airline Map of United States 1973
Airline Map of United States 1969
American Airlines System Map
America's Federal Lands 1982
An Atlas of America's Ethnic Diversity
Bea Economic Areas and Component Economic Area Nodes 1995
Braile Map of the United States
Coal Resources and Distribution 1974
College Population 1971
Colleges and Universities of the United States 1965
Communting Fields of Central Countries 1973 2
Communting Fields of Central Countries 1967 2
Congressional Distrcits for the 90th Congress 1966
Congressional Districts for the 103rd Congress 1995
Congressional Districts for the 104th Congress 1997
Congressional Districts for the 89th Congress 1964 3
Congressional Districts for the 91st Congress 1968
Congressional Districts for the 92nd Congress 1970
Congressional Districts for the 93rd Congress 1972
Congressional Districts for the 94th Congress 1974 2
Congressional Districts for the 95th Congress 1976
Consolidated Metropolitan Statistical Areas, Primary Metropolitan and Statistical Areas and Metropolitan Statistical Areas of the United States and Puerto Rico 1983
Consolidated Urban Regions of the United States 1967
Corn Yeild Per Acre 1964
Country Outline Retail Sales Map 1969
County Outline Industrial Sales Map 1978
County Outline Manufacturing Employment Map 1969
Department of Veterans Affairs National Cemetery System National Cemetreries 1994
Division and District Boundries for Civil Works Activities 1970
DMA Topographic Center Map Depositories  2
Domestic Agricultural Migrants in the United States 1965
Economic Development Districts  1973
Economic Development Districts and Funded Redevelopment Areas 1969
EDA Qualified Areas  1973
EDA Qualified Areas  1975
Eligible Redevelopment Areas 1965
Employment in Manufacturing: 1982 1982
Existing Educational Reservations 1961
Fall Freeze Occurance 1980
Federal and Indian Lands 1998
Forest Industries Mill Map 1979
Freeze Free Period 1980
Functional Economic Areas of the United States 1967 2
General Telephone and Electronics
Geological Provinces 1974
Hotel-Motel Receipts in the United States 1963
How Sharp can Serve Your Community 1958
Industrial Sales Map East North Central States 1975
Industrial Sales Map East North Central States 1982
Industrial Sales Map East South Central States 1975
Industrial Sales Map East South Central States 1982
Industrial Sales Map Middle Atlantic States 1975
Industrial Sales Map Middle Atlantic States 1982
Industrial Sales Map Mountain States 1975
Industrial Sales Map Mountain States 1982
Industrial Sales Map New England States 1975
Industrial Sales Map New England States 1982
Industrial Sales Map North Atlantic States 1975
Industrial Sales Map North Atlantic States 1982
Industrial Sales Map Pacific States 1975
Industrial Sales Map Pacific States 1982
Industrial Sales Map South Atlantic States 1975
Industrial Sales Map South Atlantic States 1982
Industrial Sales Map West North Central States 1975
Industrial Sales Map West North Central States 1982
Industrial Sales Map West South Central States 1975
Industrial Sales Map West South Central States 1982
Intermediate Scale Progress Index 1976
International and Overseas Air Routes of United States Carriers 1967
International and Overseas Air Routes of United States Carriers 1975
International and Overseas Air Routes of United States Carriers 1971 3
International Correspondence Schools 4
Interstate Highway System and Driving Time and Mileage 1990
Invisible Network
Land Transport and American Growth 1949
Livestock and Livestock Sold in the United States 1962
Major Army, Navy and Air Force Installations in the United States 1978
Major Army, Navy and Air Force Installations in the United States 1979
Major Army, Navy and Air Force Installations in the United States 1972
Major Transportation Facilities of the United States 1996
Manufacturing in the United States 1963 3
Map of Greyhound Lines
Map of Television Stations and Network Routes 1960
Median Gross Rent 1970 3
Median Value of Owner Occupied Housing United 1970
Metroploitan Areas of the United States and Puerto Rico 1999
Metropolitan Areas 1994
Metropolitan Areas 1993
Metropolitan Statistical Areas 1989
Metropolitan Statistical Areas 1986
Metropolitan Statistical Areas 1985
Mineral Industries in the United States 1963 2
National Fish Hatcheries 1964
Number of Renter Occupied Housing Units 1970
Official Map of Railroad Freight Classification Territories and Freight Traffic Association Territories 1913
Owner Occupied Housing Units as a percent of all Occupied Housing Units 1970
Per Capita Money Income For, 1959 1966
Percent Change in Corn Yield Per Acre 1964
Percent Change in the Value of Farm Products Sold Per Acre of Land in Farms 1964
Percentage Change in the Size of Farms 1964
Planning Jurisdictions States and Locally Established 1966
Political Map 1983
Population with High School Education or More 1960
Presidential Election Map 1964
Principal Electric Facilities 1968 2
Principal Electric Facilities in the United States 1966 2
Principal Power Facilities Western United States 1972
Principal Power Supply Facilities Existing and Authorized 1973
pring Freeze Occurance
Pulp and Paper Mill Map 1974
Pulp and Paper Mills in the United States and Canada
Qualified Areas 1965
Railroad Map of the United States 1957 2
Railroad Map of the United States 1967
Ratio of Workers working in County to Workers Residing in County 1970
Retail Sales Map  Middle Atlantic States 1975
Retail Sales Map  Middle Atlantic States 1982
Retail Sales Map East North Central States 1975
Retail Sales Map East North Central States 1982
Retail Sales Map East South Central States 1975
Retail Sales Map East South Central States 1982
Retail Sales Map New England States 1975
Retail Sales Map New England States 1982
Retail Sales Map North Atlantic States 1975
Retail Sales Map North Atlantic States 1982
Retail Sales Map Pacific States 1975
Retail Sales Map Pacific States 1982
Retail Sales Map South Atlantic States 1975
Retail Sales Map South Atlantic States 1982
Retail Sales Map West North Central States 1975
Retail Sales Map West North Central States 1982
Retail Sales Map West South Central States 1975
Retail Sales Map West South Central States 1982
Retail Trade in the United States 1963
Ronally Trading Area Map of the United States
Routes to United Staets Authorized to Foreign Air Carriers of Western Countries Under Permit 1971 3
Routes to United Staets Authorized to Foreign Air Carriers of Western Countries Under Permit 1968
Routes to United Staets Authorized to Foreign Air Carriers of Western Countries Under Permit 1969
Routes to United States Authorized to Foreign Air Carriers of Countries Under Permit 1975
Routes to United States Authorized to Foreign Air Carriers of Western Countries Under Permit 1970

United States - General drawer 4

Sales Control Map of the United States
Sales of Retail Shopping Goods Stores 1963
Shipments of Commoditied by Manufactures in Conterminous United States 1963 6
Shipments of Commoditied by Manufactures in Conterminous United States 1963 2
Size Forms 1964 2
Soil Surveys Adequate for Operational Planning 1964
Solar Energy in the United States and Southern Canada
Spanish Origins Persons as  a percent of Total Population 1970
Spring Freeze Occurance 1980
Standard Consolidated Statistical Areas and Standards Mertopolitan Statistical Areas  1981
Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas 1970
Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas of the United States 1963
Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas of the United States 1967
Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas of the United States and Puerto Rico 1963 2
Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas of the United States and Puerto Rico 1967
Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas of the United States and Puerto Rico 1963 2
Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas of the Untied States and Puerto Rico 1967 2
Standard Time Zones of the United States 1970
Standard Time Zones of the United States 1930
Status of Geological Mapping in the United States
Status of Topographic Mapping in the United States 1956
The Great Lakes St. Lawerence Seaway International Transportation System
The Kiplinger Washington Letter Forecast of Population Growth 1962
The National System of Interstate and Defense Highways 1964 2
The United States 1975
The United States Air Lines System Map 1969 2
There's More Than Just One Way…To Win Election as President of the United States 1980
Topographic Mapping Status and Progress of Operations 1974
Trading Area Map of the United States
Trans-Atlantic Operations of Scheduled Airlines
Turnpikes of the Eastern United States 1973
U.S., Canada, and Mexico 1973 3
Understanding Our Weather
United Airlines System Map 1973
United Airlines System Map 1959
United States Air Lines System Map 1967
United States Air Transportation System 1970 2
United States Air Transportation System 1968
United States Air Transportation System 1971 7
United States Air Transportation System 1975
United States Certified Cargo Carriers 1970 2
United States with Counties 1969
Western Area Power Administration Congressional Districts
Western United States
Wholesale Trade in the United States 1963

Subject Guide

Profile Photo
Angela Bonnell
Milner Library, Office #417
309 438-2354