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Scientific Styles

A guide providing an overview of different scientific / medical styles and information on how to use the CSE (Council of Science Editors) Scientific Style.

Guidelines for using CSE

CSE uses three different documentation systems. Make sure to ask your professor or journal editor which one you need to use.


References are marked in the text with a superscript number at the point of reference - e.g. McCord’s study of species1 shows... The references in the bibliography are listed in order of the corresponding number assigned in the text of the paper.


References are listed alphabetically in the bibliography and assigned a number. Those numbers are used when references are cited within the text of the document. References are marked in the text with a superscript number at the point of reference - e.g. McCord’s study of species23 shows...


This system uses in-text citations and bibliography similar to Chicago Author/Date, APA, and MLA. Inserted at point of reference, the citation is enclosed in parentheses and includes author’s last name and the year of publication - e.g. A groundbreaking study of species (McCord 2012) shows.... In the bibliography, references are listed alphabetically.

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