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Secondary Science

A guide for students in any secondary science teacher education program with information on using library materials and science education resources in both class and practical applications.

Recommended Books

Visible Learning for Science, Grades K-12
Teaching High School Science Through Inquiry and Argumentation
STEM Student Research Handbook
Teaching Inquiry-Based Chemistry
Teaching for Conceptual Understanding in Science

Call Numbers

To find books on the shelf at Milner Library, you will want to understand call numbers. Call numbers communicate where on a shelf a given book is located. Look at our Understanding Call Numbers guide for more detailed information. Outlined below is basic information on how to read a call number and what call number location(s) various science subjects have. 

Call Number Range Subject Floor in Milner
QH  Natural History, General Biology, Biochemistry, Evolution, Genetics, Ecology, Cell Biology Floor 5
QK Botany, Plant Ecology Floor 5
QL Zoology, Animal Behavior, Animal Anatomy, Parasitology, Embryology Floor 5
QM Human Anatomy Floor 5
QP Physiology, Animal Biochemistry Floor 5
QR Microbiology, Immunology, Virology Floor 5
SD Forestry Floor 5
SH Fisheries Floor 5
SK Wildlife Management Floor 5
TP 248 Biotechnology Floor 5
Call Number Range Subject Floor in Milner
QD 1-70 General Chemistry Floor 5
QD 71-145 Analytical Chemistry Floor 5
QD 146-240 Inorganic Chemistry Floor 5
QD 241-449 Organic Chemistry Floor 5
QD 450-900 Physical and Theoretical Chemistry Floor 5
QD 901-999 Crystallography Floor 5
QH 345 Biochemistry (General) Floor 5
QP 501-900 Animal Biochemistry Floor 5
TP Chemical Technology Floor 5


Call Number Range Subject Floor in Milner
G 1 - 148 General Geography Floor 4
G 70 Geographic Information Systems, Remote Sensing Floor 4
G 149 - 199 Travel and Tourism Floor 4
G 1000 - 3159 Atlases Floor 4
GA Mathematical Geography and Cartography Floor 4
GB Physical Geography Floor 4
GC Oceanography Floor 4
GF Human Geography Floor 4
QC 851+ Meteorology and Climatology Floor 5


Call Number Range Subject Floor in Milner 
QE 1 - 10 General Geology Floor 5
QE 11 - 22 History of Geology and Biographies Floor 5
QE 65 - 350 Geographical Divisions Floor 5
QE 105 - 110 Illinois, Indiana Floor 5
QE 351 - 399 Minerology Floor 5

QE 420 - 499,

TN 810 - 879, 

TP 690 - 692

Petrology Floor 5
QE 500 - 625 Dynamic and Structural Geology Floor 5
QE 640 - 699 Stratigraphy Floor 5
QE 701 - 996

Paleotology, Paleoecology, Paleozoology, Paleobotany

Floor 5
GB 5000 - 5014

Natural Disasters

Floor 4


Call Number Range Subject Floor in Milner 
DOC. EP U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Documents Floor 4
DOC. I U.S. Dept. of Interior (Fish & Wildlife Service, National Park Service) Documents Floor 4
GE Environmental Science Floor 4
GF Human Ecology Floor 4
HB 849 - 875 Population Floor 4
HC 79 .E5 Environmental Policy Floor 4
KF 3775 - 3790 Environmental Law Floor 5
QH 75 - 77 Biodiversity Conservation Floor 5
RA Public Health, Toxicology Floor 5
S 900 - 949 Conservation of Natural Resources Floor 5
SD Forestry Floor 5
SH Fisheries Floor 5
SK Wildlife Management Floor 5
TD Environmental Protection Floor 5
Call Number Range Subject Floor in Milner
QB Astronomy Floor 5
QC 1 - 80 General Physics Floor 5
QC 16 Biographies Floor 5
QC 21 - 23 Physics Textbooks Floor 5
QC 81 - 119 Weights and Measures Floor 5
QC 120 - 169 Descriptive and Experimental Mechanics Floor 5
QC 170 - 219 Atomic Physics and Matter Floor 5
QC 220 - 250 Acoustics and Sound Floor 5
QC 251 - 349 Heat Floor 5
QC 350 - 473 Optics, Light, Spectroscopy, Holography Floor 5
QC 474 - 500 Radiation Physics Floor 5
QC 501 - 769 Electricity and Magnetism Floor 5
QC 770 - 800 Nuclear and Particle Physics and Radioactivity Floor 5
QC 801 - 850 Geophysics and Geomagnetism Floor 5
QC 851+ Meteorology and Climatology Floor 5

Unlike the general shelves in Milner Library, PK-12 materials located in the Teaching Materials Center (TMC) on floor 6 use the Dewey Decimal System. These call numbers look different than those above.

TMC Call Number Explanation

For science non-fiction materials in the Teaching Materials Center, most will be in TMC 500-599 which is dedicated to natural sciences and mathematics. Other areas of non-fiction such as biographies may be of interest. 

Call Number Locations Subject
TMC 520-529 Astronomy & allied sciences
TMC 530-539 Physics
TMC 540-549 Chemistry & allied sciences
TMC 550-559 Earth sciences
TMC 560-569 Paleontology & Paleozoology
TMC 570-579 Life sciences
TMC 580-589 Botanical sciences
TMC 590-599 Zoological sciences

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