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Genocide and Criminal Justice

How to Search the Catalog

1) Make sure you've selected the Milner Catalog tab on Milner's homepage. You can enter keywords into the basic search box, but you get a lot more flexibility using the Advanced Search link just below that box.


2) On the Advanced Search page, enter your keywords into the available search boxes.

  • Break up your topic into subtopics and use multiple boxes for those subtopics to better organize your search.
  • For example, if you wanted to find books on how genocide relates to criminal justice, you could enter "genocide" into the first search box and "crime" OR "criminal justice" into the second box. Including OR tells the catalog that results with either term is acceptable to bring back.
  • Notice that the boxes are connected by the word AND. This tells the catalog that you want to find books on both topics, not just one or the other.


advanced search box for Milner catalog with hypothetical keyword search


3) On the right side of the results page are a number of ways to specify your search. For example, if you only wanted to find e-books, you could select the available online in the availability tab. You can also specify that you're looking just for Books under Resource Type. This prevents other kinds of items, like videos to pop up in the results. 


image of search results page, limted to ebooks


Watch the video below to see how to find and request books through Illinois's I-share network.


To search for books outside of Milner or I-share, use the WorldCat catalog. This is a larger interlibrary loan system for books, much like interlibrary loan for articles.

Data and Social Sciences Librarian

Profile Photo
Chad Kahl
he / him / his
Office: Milner 416
(309) 438-3454