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BUS 100 - Enterprise

Sources for BUS 100 related research.

What's in this Guide

Welcome to the BUS 100: Enterprise Guide! This guide is designed to help you with the company research assignments for this class. 

Home: This page, includes the librarian contact information, links to all subsequent pages, and links to other useful guides.

Company Research Assignment: This is the homepage for your company research. You'll find links to the databases, instructions, videos and more to help you answer questions on this guide. 

Follow Up Research: This page can give you guidance on how to go beyond the basics. It includes ideas and resources for in-depth company research, industry research, and business environment research.

Referencing Sources: In business, correctly tracking, managing, and citing your sources is essential. This page will give you guidance on how to reference and cite business sources such as the 10-k or Nexis Uni. 

Glossary and Definitions: Business terms and library terms can both be very confusing and full of jargon. Use this glossary to learn what a term means or to refresh what we discussed in class. 

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Danielle Futoran Turos
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