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Systemic Racism

Environmental Racism

 On this page you will find a sampling of resources related to Systemic Racism and the Environment, broken down into the following sections:

       Issues in Environmental Justice: Air Quality, Air Particulate Matter, Black Geographies, Climate Apartheid, Climate Migration, Climate Refugee, Colonized Territories, Communities of Color, Community Design, Contamination, Denial of Green Space, Displacement, Eco-Ableism, Environmental Racism, Environmental Policy, Extractivism, Food Deserts, Food Gentrification, Gentrification, Geographies of Race and Ethnicity, Geospatial Policing, Green Racism, Hazardous Conditions, Industrial Dumping Inequity, Lead Contamination, Low-Income Communities, Land Theft, LULU (locally undesirable land uses), Maternity Deserts, NIMBY, Public Safety, Racialized Space, Racist Monuments, Redlining, Residential Segregation, Sacrifice Zones, Slow Violence, Surveilled Communities, Toxic Burden, Treaty Rights, Tribal Sovereignty, Urban Development, White Flight


       Keywords for Social Justice/Anti-Oppression Searches:   Anti-Black, Association Between, Bias, Discrimination, Disparity, Disproportionate, Effect, Gap, High Rate, Impact, Inequity, Inequality, Institutionalized Racism, Oppression, Racial Inequity Racist, Racism, Unconscious Bias, Violence, White Supremacy 

Video Clips

Source: AJ+ (2016, January 29). What Is Environmental Racism? YouTube.

Source: Vice. (2022, September 30). The U.S. Military Contracted Burn Pits No One Is Talking About. YouTube.

Source: PBS News Hour. (2022, Sept. 12). How Jackson, Mississippi's water crisis is a sign of larger racial inequalities.YouTube.

Source: ABC News. (2018, October 17). Being black in America: When performing everyday activities triggers 911 calls. YouTube.

Source: CNBC. (2020, August 22). Why Grocery Stores Are Avoiding Black Neighborhoods. YouTube.

Source: PBS. (2020, April 13).  ‘Irresponsible and Wrong’: Smokestack Demolition Fallout. PBS.

Source: AJ+ (2020, October 9). Why It’s Time To Give Native Americans Their Land Back. YouTube.

Source: NowThis News. (2020, January 19). Why All Americans Should Care About 'Environmental Racism.' YouTube.

Source: AJ+ (2018, August 25). Why This Town is Dying From Cancer. YouTube.


Book cover for Toxic Communities by Dorceta E. Taylor
Book cover for Slow Violence and the Environmentalism of the Poor by Rob Nixon
Book cover for Sacrifice Zones by Steven Lerner
theres something in the water
Book cover for Baptized in PCBs by Ellen Griffith Spears
book cover for Toxic Debt : An Environmental Justice History of Detroit. by Joshua Rector
Book cover for Black in Place
Book cover for  The river is in us : fighting toxics in a Mohawk community Elizabeth Hoover
Book cover for Clean and White: a History of Environmental Racism by Carl A. Zimring
Book cover for Just Green Enough by Winifred Curran and Trina Hamilton
Book cover for  Spatializing Blackness : architectures of confinement and Black masculinity in Chicago by Rashad Shabazz
book cover for  Garbage wars : the struggle for environmental justice in Chicago by David Pellow
Book cover for  Lessons in environmental justice : from civil rights to Black Lives Matter and Idle No More Mascarenhas, Michael,
Book cover for Racial Ecologies by Leilani Nishime and Kim D. Hester Williams
Book cover for the Nature of Hope by Char Miller and Jeff Crane
Book cover for Capitalizing On Environmental Injustice by Daniel Faber
Book cover for Climate Change and Population Displacement by Marcia Amidon Lusted
Book cover for What the Eyes Don't See by Mona Hanna-Attisha
Book cover for Black Faces, White Spaces by Carolyn Finney
Book cover for Troubled Water: What's Wrong with What We Drink by Seth M. Siegel
Book cover for Tropic of Chaos by Christian Parenti
Book cover for A Climate of Injustice by J. Timmons Roberts and Bradley C. Parks
Book cover for American Exodus by Giles Slade
Book cover for There Is No Such Thing as a Natural Disaster by Chester Hartman and Gregory D. Squires
Book cover for the Poisoned City by Anna Clark
Book cover for Climate Justice by Mary Robinson
Book cover for Wastelanding: Legacies of Uranium Mining in Navajo Country
Book cover for Environmental Justice in a Moment of Danger
Book cover for Inequality and Climate Change: Perspectives from the South by Gian Carlo Delgado
Book cover for Climate Change and the People's Health by Sharon Friel
Book cover for A Terrible Thing to Waste by Harriet A. Washington
Book cover for Katrina's Imprint: Race and Vulnerability in America by Keith Walker and Karen M. O'Neill, Jeffrey Dowd, and Roland Anglin
Book cover for What is Critical Environmental Justice? by David Naguib Pellow


image for podcast ninety nine percent invisible

99% Invisible

Episode: The Arsenal of Exclusion

Podcast: At Liberty

At Liberty

Episode: Climate Change is a Racial Justice Issue

image for podcast still processing

Still Processing

Episode: When Your Neighbor’s the Highway

Podcast: Black History Year

Black History Year

Episode:Environmental Racism: A Hidden Threat

image for podcast race and regulation

Race and Regulation

Episode: Redlined Forever?

Podcast: We Live Here

We Live Here

Episode: Environmental Racism in St. Louis Repor‪t‬

Podcast: Interstitial


Episode: Black in Place

image for podcast living downstream

Living Downtstream

Episode: Health, Wealth and Race in Today's Louisiana

Podcast Red Nation

Red Nation

Episode: Public Land is Stolen Land

Podcast: There Goes the Neighborhood

There Goes the Neighborhood

A podcast about how and why gentrification happens.

Podcast: the Reveal

The Reveal

Episode: The Toxic Burden

Podcast: Young Farmers

Young Farmers

Episode: Farming While Black

Podcast: Intercepted


Episode: Corporate Counterinsurgency Against Line 3 Pipeline Resistance

Podcast: Tamarindo


Episode: Environmental Racism is Real

Podcast: Canarsie Studios

Canarsie Studios

Episode: Climate Change and Environmental Racism

Podcast: Intercepted


Episode: Stealing the Children to Steal the Land


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