On this page you will find a sampling of resources related to Systemic Racism and Education, broken down into the following sections:
Issues in Education: All White Faculty, Bullying, Censorship, Charter Schools, Critical Race Theory, Cultural Competence, Curricular Racism, Deficit Narratives, Digital Divide, Disciplinary Practices and Policy, Discrimination, Disenfranchisement, Environmental Racism, Eurocentric Curriculum, Exclusion, Funding, Gap, Harassment, Inclusion, Inequitable Access, Linguistic Discrimination, Low Teacher Expectations, Out-of-School Suspensions, Policy, Pollution, Privatization, Resource Disparities, Retention, School Closure, School-to-Prison Pipeline, School Reform, Segregation, Talented and Gifted Program, Technology Segregation, Transgender Student Rights
Keywords for Social Justice/Anti-Oppression Searches: Anti-Black, Association Between, Bias, Discrimination, Disparity, Disproportionate, Effect, Gap, High Rate, Impact, Inequity, Inequality, Institutionalized Racism, Oppression, Racial Inequity, Racist, Racism, Unconscious Bias, Violence, White Supremacy
Source: AJ+ (2017, May 27). Why American Public Schools Are Failing Students. YouTube. https://youtu.be/K2658IoJVxQ
Source:Reuters. (2021, September 22). What is 'critical race theory'? YouTube. https://youtu.be/57kVvE97nI4
Source: Vox. (2020, October 8). How US schools punish Black kids. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lFJ37ri-Saw
Source: NYT Opinion. (2020,March 17). How Coronavirus Racism Infected My High School. YouTube. https://youtu.be/f5ccbJcqlUo
Source: NowThis News. (2019, January 23). How Black High School Students Are Hurt by Modern-Day Segregation. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=od3s3lZWbWM
Source: Focused.Arts.Media.Education. (2017, May 14). Microaggressions in the Classroom. YouTube: https://youtu.be/ZahtlxW2CIQ
Source: Black Linguistic Justice. (2020, April 18). Linguistic Justice: Black Language, Literacy, Identity, and Pedagogy. YouTube. https://youtu.be/BmbzPzip4Fs
Source: TED. (2019, Feb. 5). Why black girls are targeted for punishment at school -- and how to change that | Monique W. Morris. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g7F9XCdeOtw
Source: Education Week. (2016). Bettina Love: On Black Girls, Discipline, and Schools. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_HCqUClUWlc
Source: TEDx Talks. (2018, May 23). Why English Class is Silencing Students of Color | Jamila Lyiscott. YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u4dc1axRwE4
Episode: Critical Race Theory and The Obstruction of Black Education
Episode: How To End the Preschool to Prison Pipeline
Episode: A Tale of Two School Districts
Episode: Black Preservice Teachers
Episode: Teaching the Truth about Race in America (CRT)
Episode: Are school districts in liberal cities inequitable by design?
Episode: Inside the toxic mediasphere of Black exceptionalism
Episode: The Passing of a "Failing" School
Episode: School Segregation 65 Years After Brown v. Board
Episode: School to Prison Pipeline
A narrative podcast about how race, class, and power shape American cities and schools.
Episode: Reframing and Re-learning American History With Nikole Hannah-Jones
Episode: Educating for the Status Quo
Episode: Myths and Complexities of the Black Teacher Shortage
Episode: Nikole Hannah-Jones on the 1619 project
Episode: The War Over Critical Race Theory
Episode: Covid Impact on Education
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Citation database focused on public affairs, public and social policies, and international relations and includes journals, books, government documents, statistical directories, grey literature, research reports, and conference papers. Some full text available.
Includes sources published from 1902 to present
Citation social work database covering topics such as homelessness, AIDS, child and family welfare, aging, substance abuse, legislation, and community organization. Limited to eight simultaneous users.
Includes sources published from 1965 to present