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This guide covers the different types of music resources available at Milner Library.

Primary, Secondary & Tertiary Sources in Music

Primary sources in music are a direct representation of the work of the composer or author. This is different than secondary sources—books and journal articles—which often analyze primary sources. And tertiary sources—encyclopedias and dictionaries—are often research done on secondary and primary sources.

Types of Primary, Secondary & Tertiary Sources in Music

Primary Sources

A primary source is an original work. Types of primary sources include:

  • Scores in general, but particularly manuscripts/facsimiles of scores or early printed editions of scores
  • Musical or spoken audio recording
  • Letters/correspondence
  • Autobiography
  • Musical instruments
  • Film footage of rehearsals
  • Personal Journal
  • Hand-written text manuscript
  • Speech
  • Interview

An example of a primary source for John Cage is Letters by John Cage.

Secondary Sources

Secondary sources are one step removed from primary sources. Often they are an analysis, critique, or interpretation of a primary source.

Types of secondary sources include:

  • Biography
  • Textbook
  • Review article
  • Critical essay about people or past events

An example of a secondary source for John Cage is a website about Cage's writings.

Tertiary Sources

Tertiary sources are often a combination and examination of primary and secondary sources. Examples include:

  • Dictionary
  • Encyclopedia
  • Bibliography
  • Discography

An example of a tertiary source about John Cage is an article about him in an encyclopedia on experimental music.

Example Primary Sources in Music

