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World War II Posters

Resource guide to World War posters in the Government Documents collection at Milner Library.

Books in Milner Library

Selected Readings


Bird, William L., and Harry P. Rubenstein. Design for Victory: World War II Posters on the American Home Front. New York: Princeton Architectural Press, 1998.

Crawford, Anthony R., ed., Posters of World War I and World War II in the George C. Marshall Research Foundation. Charlottesville: The University Press of Virginia, 1979.

Fischer, Edward. “Review: Politics of Propaganda.” The Review of Politics 40 (1978):406-408.

Harrington, Sara. “Women’s Work: Domestic Labor in American World War II Posters.”Art Documentation 22 (2003): 41-44.

Judd, Denis. Posters of World War Two. London: Wayland Publishers, 1972.

Koppes, Clayton R., and Gregory D. Black. “What to Show the World: The Office of War Information and Hollywood, 1942-1945.” The Journal of American History 64, no. 1 (June 1977): 87-105.

McCrann, Grace-Ellen. “Government Wartime Propaganda Posters: Communicators of Public Policy.” Behavioral and Social Sciences Librarian 28 (2009): 53-73.

Pearl, James, ed., Picture This: World War I Posters and Visual Culture. University of Nebraska: Lincoln and London, 2009.

Winkler, Allan M., The Politics of Propaganda: The Office of War Information 1942-1945. Yale University Press: New Haven and London, 1978.

Witkowski, Terrence H. “World War II Poster Campaigns: Preaching Frugality to American Consumers.” Journal of Advertising 32 (2003): 69-82. 


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Angela Bonnell
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309 438-2354