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World War II Posters

Resource guide to World War posters in the Government Documents collection at Milner Library.


With wartime shortages on gasoline and rubber, these scarce commodities were rationed. Motorized travel of all types was discouraged. To prevent long car  trips, a national speed limit of 35 miles per hour was enacted in 1942 and individuals were limited to three gallons of gas per week, both in attempt to conserve fuel.

Train and bus trips were also discouraged to help ensure adequate space for moving troops, arms and equipment. 


Please Note

Please note the collection includes items for their historical perspective and significance. Milner Library in no way condones the use of language or images that is offensive to persons of any race, religion, disability status, ethnicity/national origin, gender or sexual orientation.

Limited Travel

World War II poster, War traffic must come first. Don't waste transportation       World War II poster, Me travel? Not this summer. Vacation at home        World War II poster, Is your trip necessary? Needless travel interferes with the war effort

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Angela Bonnell
Milner Library, Office #417
309 438-2354