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This guide provides in-depth instructions on how to use Zotero, organize sources, and create in-text citations and bibliographies.

Adding Sources to Your Library and Collections

Zotero provides a variety of options for adding sources to your Library. This section provides step-by-step instructions on how to add sources to your Zotero Library in different ways. To edit an existing source record, look at the Modifying Source Records page. Note: the Style formatting (e.g. APA) occurs within your word processor not within your Library.

  • Browser Add-on (Connector)
    This will be the primary way you add sources from the library catalog, databases, and open web sources.
  • Search Results List
    Use this option when you want to add multiple sources from a search results list from a catalog, database, or the open web.
  • Google Scholar
    Normally, you should go to the actual source and use the Browser Connector. Sometimes, that isn't possible. Here is an alternative method directly from the search results list.
  • PDF Files
    If you have readable PDF files, this is quick and easy way to add a source record to your Library.
  • RIS / tab-delimited file
    This method works best if you are transferring from one source manager to another. Also, for some databases this is the only option.
  • Manually Add a Source
    When no other method is available you can add a source to your library manually.

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