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This guide provides in-depth instructions on how to use Zotero, organize sources, and create in-text citations and bibliographies.

Moving / Deleting Sources from a Collection

Moving Sources to a New Collection

  1. Create the new sub-folder/collection if it doesn’t exist.
  2. In the original collection, select the sources you want
  3. Drag and drop them into the new sub-collection

For instruction on adding sources to your Zotero Library, consult the Adding Sources section of this guide.

Removing Sources from a Collection

  1. Select the sources to be removed
  2. Right click over the sources and choose Remove from collection…
    -- Do not choose Move Items to Trash because that will delete the sources from your library and all collections

Deleting Sources from a Collection & Library

  1. Select the sources to be removed
  2. Right click over the sources and choose Move Items to Trash
    Note: This deletes the sources from your library and all collections

Eliminating Duplicates

With the Find Duplicates, Zotero compares sources based on these fields: Author, Year, Title, and Reference Type. Differences within records may omit duplicate items. You can check your library for duplicates at any time.

  1. In the Library pane, select Duplicates at the bottom of list.
  2. Use the right-side panel to select the master source and merge all of the sources into one.
    Note: this will not remove the source from a collection.

Instead of merging duplicates, you can also delete specific sources as needed.

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