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This guide provides in-depth instructions on how to use Zotero, organize sources, and create in-text citations and bibliographies.

Working with In-text Citations

This section provides various methods for adding in-text citations to your document.

Insert an In-Text Citation

When you add an in-text citation into the text of your document, the full source citation will be added to the Works Cited or Bibliography section of your document in the citation style you selected.

  1. Within the Word document, place the cursor in the location where the in-text citation should appear.
  2. Click the Add/Edit Citation button in the Zotero toolbar.
  3. In the pop-up search bar, enter a search term like an author's last name or part of a title
  4. Select the source you need from the list of options
    • Once selected, the source will display in the in-text format that will added to your document
    • If you need to insert more than one source,
      • add a comma after each source,
      • search for the source, and
      • press the Enter/Return to add them
    • Click inside the citation to add a page number or omit the author's name
  5. Press the Enter/Return key on your keyboard

NOTE: There is an insert option using a classic view that shows your Zotero Library collections. The instructions for using that option are towards the end of the page.

Add a Page Number

  1. In the Add Citation box, click inside the source
  2. In the popup box, type in the page or page range
  3. Click outside of the citation close the box
    • If you have more than one citation, repeat these steps to add page numbers
  4. Hit your Enter/Return key

Omit the Author's Name

  1. In the Add Citation box, click inside the source
  2. In the popup box, check the Suppress Author check box
  3. Click outside of the citation close the box
    • If you have more than one citation, repeat these steps to omit other authors
  4. Hit your Enter key

Using Classic View for Adding In-text Citations

In Word, the search bar for adding an in-text citation is the default setting. However, there is an option called the Classic view. This insert option shows your collection structure and allows you to navigate to a specific source.

Change the Default Setting

  1. In the Zotero Desktop app, click the Edit menu and choose Preferences (Zotero > Preferences for Mac OS)
  2. Select the Cite button/tab in the pop-up window
  3. Choose the Word Processors tab
  4. After the listed word processors, check the box by the 'Use classic Add Citation dialog' option
  5. Click the OK button

Inserting an In-text Citation

  1. Within the Word document, place the cursor in the location where the in-text citation should appear.
  2. Click the Add/Edit Citation button in the Zotero toolbar.
  3. In the pop-up window, navigate to the source you want to insert
  4. Set any additional options if needed like page number or suppressing the author's name
    • If you need to insert more than one source, click the Multiple Sources button and use the navigation arrows to add and arrange the sources
  5. Click the OK button

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