LibAnswers Use Firefox
Logging on to LibAnswers and RefAnalytics
2. Logon is your ilstu email address and password is one you set yourself or
Milnerrocks1 (case sensitive) for the Desk laptop.
3. Navigate to Ref. Analytics tab at top of page and select Add Transaction
Recording Transactions
Each time you answer a question, log it in RefAnalytics. When deciding what type of question you answered, please consult the Definitions of Question Types document available in the Answering Questions section of this guide, through the link on the LibAnswers home page.
PLEASE NOTE: The "type the question" box on the form has a 140 character limit but does not prevent typing when you reach the limit, and anything typed after the limit will be lost. So, please type minimal question information in that box, then enter details in the "type more detail" box, which allows 1000 characters.
Logging on to LibChat
LibChat Dashboard page will load.
TIP: To answer chats more quickly, activate Desktop Notifications under the Settings tab so that LibChat will send a popup in the bottom right corner of your screen when a chat comes in that you can click to go directly to the chat dashboard.
If you want your chats to open in separate windows during your current LibChat session like they did in the old LibChat dashboard, go to Settings and turn on View chats in Multi Chat Overlay. If you want this setting every time you use LibChat, click your email address on the LibAnswers dashboard, select Multi Chat Overlay next to View Chats, and click Save.
Using LibChat
Please see the LibChat Question Type guide for information about what texts and emails look like when they come into the LibChat dashboard and how to answer them.