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Reference Training

Helpful training materials and information for new librarians



  • Primo renewal due dates are calculated from the date the patron clicks Renew, rather than renewing starting at the current due date like Voyager did. 
    • If patrons renew items early, they will lose out on days they could have the materials.

Requesting Items from Uhigh:

  • UHigh items can usually only be requested by those at UHigh.
  • If other ISU patrons try to request UHigh books, they most likely will be unable to request the item.

Requesting Items from Milner:

  • Clicking Request on Milner item page will place a hold on the Milner item.
  • The lending period will be based on the patron type.
  • Turnaround time from hitting request button to available for pick-up is about 24 to 36 hours.

Requesting Items from I-Share:

  • Clicking I-Share on I-Share item page will place a request with other I-Share libraries
  • Items will have a 4 week loan period, with number of renewals based on patron type.
  • Book will arrive within 3-7 days.

Courtesy Card Requests

Milner Item Requests:

  • Community patrons with a Courtesy Card can request Milner items from the catalog.

Storage Requests:

  • Community patrons with a Courtesy Card can request books, journals, and microfilm from storage via Milner's online catalog.
  • We can retrieve items from Closed Stacks for in-library-use only.

New Courtesy Card Help Videos:

I-Share Patron Storage Requests

  • I-Share patrons can request books from storage via I-Share, but must use the ILL request option for microfilm and journals.

Reporting Alma/Primo Issues and Feedback


Requests for unavailable items cancelled

  • Patrons are able to “successfully” place a request, but then they receive an automated cancellation notice when the system cannot find a lending library.
  • This was a known issue in test, and CARLI is hoping for an enhancement from Ex Libris, but at this time there is no work around that will prevent a patron from placing a request for an item that is not available.

I-Share Request button

The patron may not see an I-Share request link for items that are available at ISU, but not eligible for request (Reserves, UHigh, Reference, etc.).

Cancellation Notices

  • Jeff reported that "In the last hour I have received three cancellation notices for requests I apparently made in December, January, and March.  I have no idea if this is happening for other patrons, but have reported the issue to CARLI."
  • He said that if patrons report that this is happening to them, we can apologize for the confusion and assure them that they can ignore the cancellation notices.