Please Refer to TMC Subject Guide
- Recommended Resources: Includes recommended resources for TCH-aligned databases, journals, books, websites, dissertations/theses, multimedia, and more.
- How To...: This section provides more detailed support for how to navigate commonly used databases.
- Source Management: A collection of resources to support recognizing types of sources, using APA Style, and learning to use Zotero.
- Teacher Certification Resources: Includes resources for the edTPA, content area exam materials, and teaching standards.
- School Librarian Certification Resources: A guide to resources such as databases, journals, and book review sources intended for those pursuing a certificate in school librarianship.
- Teaching Materials Center: This guide is starting point for anyone seeking to learn about the resources available in the Teaching Materials Center. This includes: what general resources are available, how to find specific resources, and how to access materials.